I have a Array
, some of the values of this array will be added as float
others as int
, my doubts are as follows, how can I convert only one array not the whole list?
I would have to create a variable to receive this value and convert? or would it have a simpler way?
static void Main(string[] args)
string procurar = "|";
int Converter;
StreamReader Arquivo = new StreamReader(@"C:\log\meutxt.txt");
string[] arrValores = new string[48]; //48
SqlConnection conexao = new SqlConnection(@"Password=Azeite10;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=bdTeste;Data Source=DESKTOP-G8JGBNC");/*@"Password=Azeite10;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=bdTeste;Data Source=SCAN-D-50985\SQL"*/
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = conexao;
while (Arquivo.Peek() != -1)
var strLinha = Arquivo.ReadLine().Split('|');
arrValores[0] = strLinha[1];
arrValores[1] = strLinha[2];
arrValores[2] = strLinha[3];
arrValores[3] = strLinha[4];
cmd.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO [dbo].[123] VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}')", strLinha[1], strLinha[2], strLinha[3], strLinha[4].ToString());
My text file in the final process returns a line like this.
|2021549040 |000001 |0001 |MTO |ZXDC |5034293 |ASIAN AMERICAN METALS, INC. |5034293 |ASIAN AMERICAN METALS, INC. |6126585 |LPL 3003 H14 1,600X1219,2X3048 C-CC-EE |PO343610 - BALTIMORE | 23,859 |KG | 23.859,000 | 23.859,000 | 0,000 |Z) | 29.217,000 | 0,000 | 0,000 | 0,000 |22.12.2017 |2020 |C |18.04.2018|27.07.2018 |27.07.2018 |26.07.2018 |27.07.2018 | |2200 |OUTROS ME |LCC01001 |CC ME | | | |Laminados |BANACM | | |CIP-BALTIMORE | 0,000 | |2020 |
where o | "CONTENT" | represents a column of the original text file
Tables in the database
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