Leave fixed paging using jQuery datatable


I have a table and I'm using datatable of jQuery , however, my table has a lot of column, and I made a scroll in it, but in that my pagination scrolls along with the scroll, would have some way to leave the pagination fixed


Thank you.

asked by anonymous 24.03.2015 / 13:43

3 answers


To leave the page above the table, just use the sDOM option API to rule that the pagination will be up. This way:

        "sDom": '<"top"p>'

For the rest, you style the way you want.

09.11.2015 / 14:36

Hello, just add settings via CSS, as follows:

#myTable_paginate {
    float:left !important;

You can put other settings like padding and margin for example, to fit better

24.03.2015 / 14:06

To do this, simply define from the plugin itself, using the scoolX option, see:

      'scrollX' : true

For more information about the features that plugin makes available, just follow the references.


Basic initialisation - DataTables

Scroll - Horizontal

09.10.2015 / 01:49