Drag and Drop - JavaScript or JQuery [closed]


Good morning ... I was challenged to convert a C # Desktop to Web application, however I have no knowledge of ASP.NET, JScript or JQuery. And among the components that I need to adapt is a DRAGDROPTEXT. It is a SPAN within a DIV that is capable of being draggable to another DIV. I did this through JavaScript and HTML5. The internet is full of basic examples for this. So far nothing else.

To illustrate what I need to implement I will describe part of the scenario:

On the screen there are several DIVS, then types: Drag and Container, the names are brought from a bank and at that time I have customized the name of the DIV in WEB application, example: DragDRAGDROPTEXT2354, ContainerDRAGDROPTEXT2354, .... where the number end is an ID in the bank. The screen consists of exercises completing gaps of a said course, so will have some pairs of DIV (drag and container). In this screen there are 5 pairs of these DIVS.

What I need to implement and can not do: If the user at the end of the drag and drop actions realizes that a response is wrong and wants to redo the dragdrop the program should allow that when dragging the DIV that is already in the response field it was possible for the user to release the mouse click in any area of the screen and if in that area of the screen that was released the mouse is not a DIV then the DIV that has just been released should return to its starting position. Note that beginning here would be the situation BEFORE the DIV was first dragged.

Please remember that I have no knowledge of JQUERY, JScript or ASP.Net.

Thank you for your collaboration!

asked by anonymous 04.03.2015 / 12:24

1 answer


Take a look at in this example . You will have to:

  • modify the way the reset is triggered - instead of pressing the reset button, it is when you leave an item empty;
  • Instead of resetting all items, it is only what is left empty.
  • 06.03.2015 / 19:21