The intention is to consume a biometrics dll link
I thought the best way would be to convert the headers that they provide (not a good idea). There are 3 headers:
- VrBio.h
- VTypes.h
- VConsts.h
So far I've been able to convert (I think) VConsts.h and VTypes.h. But I stopped in a function that has a statement of a pointer pointer pointer (I think that's it) that I do not know with is in delphi: VListDevices(const char*** devices,int *N)
What I've been able to do so far is this:
unit Veridis.Biometric;
FINGER_QUALITY_UNKNOWN = 0; {Unknown fingerprint quality}
FINGER_QUALITY_VERY_LOW = 1; {Very low fingerprint quality}
FINGER_QUALITY_LOW = 2; {Low fingerprint quality}
FINGER_QUALITY_MEDIUM = 3; {Medium fingerprint quality}
FINGER_QUALITY_HIGH = 4; {High fingerprint quality}
FINGER_QUALITY_VERY_HIGH = 5; {Very high fingerprint quality}
COMPRESSION_RATE_LOW = 5; {Low compression rate (Higher quality)}
COMPRESSION_RATE_DEFAULT = 15; {Default compression rate}
COMPRESSION_RATE_HIGH = 25; {High compression rate (Lower quality)}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_UNKNOWN = 0; {Unknown finger}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_RIGHT_THUMB = 1; {Right thumb}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_RIGHT_INDEX = 2; {Right index}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_RIGHT_MIDDLE = 3; {Right middle}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_RIGHT_RING = 4; {Right ring}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_RIGHT_LITTLE = 5; {Right little}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_LEFT_THUMB = 6; {Left thumb}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_LEFT_INDEX = 7; {Left index}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_LEFT_MIDDLE = 8; {Left middle}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_LEFT_RING = 9; {Left ring}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_LEFT_LITTLE = 10; {Left little}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_RIGHT_FOUR = 11; {Right four}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_LEFT_FOUR = 12; {Left four}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_2_THUMBS = 13; {Two thumbs}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_UNKNOWN_PALM = 20, {Unknown palm}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_RIGHT_FULL_PALM = 21; {Right full palm}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_RIGHT_WRITERS_PALM = 22; {Rigth writers palm}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_LEFT_FULL_PALM = 23; {Left full palm}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_LEFT_WRITERS_PALM = 24; {Left writers palm}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_RIGHT_LOWER_PALM = 25; {Right lower palm}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_RIGHT_UPPER_PALM = 26; {Right upper palm}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_LEFT_LOWER_PALM = 27; {Left lower palm}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_LEFT_UPPER_PALM = 28; {Left upper palm}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_RIGHT_OTHER = 29; {Right other}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_LEFT_OTHER = 30; {Left other}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_RIGHT_INTERDIGITAL = 31; {Right interdigital}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_RIGHT_THENAR = 32; {Right thenar}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_RIGHT_HYPOTHENAR = 33; {Right hypothenar}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_LEFT_INTERDIGITAL = 34; {Left interdigital}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_LEFT_THENAR = 35; {Left thenar}
ISO19794_4_POSITION_LEFT_HYPOTHENAR = 36; {Left hypothenar}
CAPTURE_EVENT_UNPLUG = $001; {Fingerprint scanner unplugged from the computer.}
CAPTURE_EVENT_PLUG = $002; {Fingerprint scanner plugged on the computer.}
CAPTURE_EVENT_REMOVED = $004; {Finger removed from the fingerprint scanner.}
CAPTURE_EVENT_PLACED = $008; {Finger placed on the fingerprint scanner.}
CAPTURE_EVENT_IMAGE_FRAME = $10; {A fingerprint frame was captured on the fingerprint scanner.}
CAPTURE_EVENT_IMAGE_CAPTURED = $020; {A fingerprint image was captured on the fingerprint scanner.}
CAPTURE_EVENT_FAKE_FINGER_DETECTED = $400; {A false finger has been detected on the sensor}
CAPTURE_EVENT_FAKE_FINGER_REMOVED = $800; {A false finger has been removed from the sensor}
{Return codes.}
SUCCESS = 0; {Success}
ERROR_FAIL = -1; {Unknown or internal error}
ERROR_ARGUMENT = -2; {An invalid argument was supplied to the method}
ERROR_ALREADY_STARTED = -3; {The SDK or the fingerprint reader is already started. This happens if the function \ref VStartSDK/\ref VStartReader is called more than once without calling \ref VStopSDK/\ref VStopReader}
ERROR_NOT_STARTED = -4; {The SDK was not started. Use \ref VStartSDK}
ERROR_TIMEOUT = -5; {Returner by \ref VSyncCapture when time is out}
ERROR_ALREADY_PLUGGED = -6; {Fingerprint scanner already started. (OBSOLETE)}
ERROR_NOT_PLUGGED = -7; {Fingerprint reader not started. (OBSOLETE)}
ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION = -8; {The requested operation is not supported}
ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT = -9; {The template or image format supplied is not supported}
ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_BIOMETRIC_MODALITY = -10; {Invalid biometric modality}
ERROR_INVALID_TEMPLATE = -11; {Invalid template}
ERROR_NOT_LICENSED = -12; {The SDK was not licensed properly. Use \ref VInstallLicense}
ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_LICENSED = -13; {The feature is not supported for the installed license. (OBSOLETE) }
ERROR_INVALID_LICENSE = -14; {Invalid License - Invalid Product Key or corrupted license file }
ERROR_LICENSE_EXPIRED = -15; {Expired license. }
ERROR_LICENSE_USERS_EXCEEDED = -16; {Not used in this version of the SDK.}
ERROR_HTTP_CONNECTION_FAIL = -17; {It was not possible to reach the license server}
ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE_ON_FREE_EDITION = -18; {Feature not supported on the free edition of the SDK. (OBSOLETE) }
IMAGE_CONVERTER_FAIL = -19; { Internal error during image convertion}
IMAGE_CONVERTER_SAME_FORMAT = -20; {The imageFormat of the biometricImage are the same for the input and output image}
IMAGE_CONVERTER_INVALID_FORMAT = -23; {Invalid image format. Check \ref VrBio_ImageFormat}
ERROR_FILE_OPEN = -24; {The library could not open the file}
ERROR_INVALID_READER_NAME = -25; {Invalid reader name}
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED = -26; { Not supported}
ERROR_NESTED_CALL = -27; { Methods called on the same thread}
ERROR_EXTERNAL_MEMORY = -28; {Memory was not allocated by the library}
VRBIO_DLL = 'Veridis.Biometric.dll';
{ Biometric modality. @see VrBio_BiometricImage }
TBiometricModality = (
BIOMETRIC_MODALITY_UNKNOWN, {Unknown biometric modality}
BIOMETRIC_MODALITY_FINGERPRINT, {Fingerprint biometric modality}
BIOMETRIC_MODALITY_FACE, {Facial biometric modality}
BIOMETRIC_MODALITY_VEINS, {Veins biometric modality}
BIOMETRIC_MODALITY_IRIS); {Iris biometric modality}
{ Fingerprint image quality. @see VrBio_BiometricImage }
TFingerQuality = DWORD;
{ Image compression rate. @see VrBio_BiometricImage }
TCompressionRate = DWORD;
{ Compression mode of ISO 19794-4 image. @see VrBio_ISO197944Parameters }
TISO197944CompressionMode = (
ISO19794_4_COMPRESSION_NONE, {No compression}
ISO19794_4_COMPRESSION_NONE_PACKED, {No compression but packed}
ISO19794_4_COMPRESSION_WSQ, {WSQ compression}
ISO19794_4_COMPRESSION_JPEG, {JPEG compression}
ISO19794_4_COMPRESSION_JPEG2000, {JPEG2000 compression}
ISO19794_4_COMPRESSION_PNG); {PNG compression}
{ Impression type of ISO 19794-4 image. @see VrBio_ISO197944Parameters}
TISO197944ImpressionType = (
ISO19794_4_IMPRESSION_TYPE_LIVESCAN_PLAIN, {Live captured plain impression}
ISO19794_4_IMPRESSION_TYPE_LIVESCAN_ROLLED, {Live captured rolled impression}
ISO19794_4_IMPRESSION_TYPE_NONLIVESCAN_PLAIN, {Non live (paper) captured plain impression}
ISO19794_4_IMPRESSION_TYPE_NONLIVESCAN_ROLLED, {Non live (paper) captured rolled impression}
ISO19794_4_IMPRESSION_TYPE_LATENT, {Crime scene type impression}
ISO19794_4_IMPRESSION_TYPE_SWIPE, {Swipe impression}
ISO19794_4_IMPRESSION_TYPE_LIVESCAN_CONTACTLESS); {Contactless impression type}
{ Finger position of ISO 19794-4 image. @see VrBio_ISO197944Parameters }
TISO197944FingerPosition = DWORD;
{ Format of the fingerprint image buffer. @see VrBio_BiometricImage }
TImageFormat = (
IMAGEFORMAT_UNKNOWN, {Unknown image format}
IMAGEFORMAT_RAW, {Raw image format}
IMAGEFORMAT_BMP, {Bitmap image format}
IMAGEFORMAT_WSQ, {WSQ image format}
IMAGEFORMAT_ISO19794_4, {ISO 19794-4 image format}
IMAGEFORMAT_PNG, {PNG image format}
IMAGEFORMAT_GIF); {GIF image format}
{ Template formats. }
TTemplateFormat = (
TEMPLATEFORMAT_UNKNOWN, {Unknown template format}
TEMPLATEFORMAT_VERIDIS, {Veridis propietary template format}
TEMPLATEFORMAT_ISO, {ISO 19794-2 template format}
TEMPLATEFORMAT_ANSI, {ANSI 378-2004 template format}
TEMPLATEFORMAT_XYT_BOZORTH, {Bozorth xyt template format (OSBOLETE)}
TEMPLATEFORMAT_BASE16, {BASE 16 encoded template}
TEMPLATEFORMAT_BASE64, {BASE 64 encoded template}
TEMPLATEFORMAT_JSON); {JSON encoded template}
{ Types of fingerprint readers. @see VrBio_BiometricImage }
TScannerType = (
SCANNER_TYPE_UNKNOWN, {Unknown fingerprint reader type}
SCANNER_TYPE_PHOTO, {Slap fingerprint reader type}
SCANNER_TYPE_ROLLED, {Rolled fingerprint reader type}
SCANNER_TYPE_SWIPE); {Swipe fingerprint reader type}
{ Capture type. @see VrBio_CaptureParameters }
TCaptureType = (
CAPTURE_TYPE_SLAP, {Slap capture}
CAPTURE_TYPE_ROLLED, {Rolled capture}
CAPTURE_TYPE_TWO_FINGERS, {Two fingers capture}
CAPTURE_TYPE_FOUR_FINGERS); {Four fingers capture}
{ Events received in the callback function. @see VrBio_CaptureEventCallback }
TEventType = DWORD;
{ Return codes. }
TErrorCodes = DWORD;
{ (OBSOLETE) @see VGetReaderProperties }
TReaderProperty = (
{ @see VGetLicenseText }
TLicenseProperty = (
LICENSE_FULL_TEXT, {Full text. Can be used for offline licensing. }
LICENSE_KEY, {License key. Used for online activation. }
LICENSE_TEXT, {License text. }
LICENSE_USER); {License owner.}
{ Stores the fingerprint reader metadata. @see VGetReaderProperties @see VrBio_ReaderProperty }
PReaderProperties = ^TReaderProperties;
TReaderProperties = record
uniqueName: PChar; { Unique identifier. This is the same name returned in the @see VrBio_CaptureEventCallback parameter readerName. Supported in all readers. }
friendlyName: PChar; { Friendly name. Supported in all readers. }
vendorName: PChar; { Vendor name. Supported in all readers. }
productName: PChar; { Product name. Supported in all readers. }
serial: PChar; { Serial number of the fingerprint reader. NULL if the fingeprint reader does not support this. }
{ Stores the parameters of the ISO 19794-4 image format. @see VGetReaderProperties @see VrBio_ReaderProperty }
PISO197944Parameters = ^TISO197944Parameters;
TISO197944Parameters = record
compressionMode: Integer; { @see VrBio_ISO197944CompressionMode}
impressionType: Integer; { @see VrBio_ISO197944ImpressionType}
fingerPosition: Integer; { @see VrBio_ISO197944FingerPosition}
{ Represents a biometric image. @see VrBio_CaptureEventCallback \ref VSyncCapture }
PBiometricImage = ^TBiometricImage;
TBiometricImage = record
width: Integer; { Image width. }
height: Integer; { Image height }
resolution: Integer; { Image resolution in dpi. For the obsolete functions, use pixels/cm.}
channels: Integer; { Number of channels in the image. Fingerprint images should always be grayscale, so this value is always 1. }
biometricModality: Integer; { Biometric modality. Always use VRBIO_BIOMETRIC_MODALITY_FINGERPRINT. \ref VrBio_BiometricModality. }
scannerType: Integer; { Scanner type. \ref VrBio_ScannerType. }
imageFormat: Integer; { Formato de imagem: Formato da imagem. \ ref VrBio_ImageFormat. }
bufferSize: Integer; { Size of the buffer }
compressionRate: Integer; { Compression rate. Valid for images that allow compression. \ref VrBio_CompressionRate }
fingerQuality: Integer; { Quality of the fingerprint image. \ref VrBio_FingerQuality }
ISO197944_parameters: PISO197944Parameters; { Only valid if the image if imageFormat is \ref VrBio_ImageFormat::VRBIO_IMAGEFORMAT_ISO19794_4 \ref VrBio_ISO197944Parameters }
buffer: PByte; { Buffer storing the pixels of the image. The position(x,y,c) of a pixel is y*width*channels+x*channels+c. }
reserved: Pointer; { Reserved for future use }
{ Fingerprint reader configuration parameters. Only works if the fingerprint scanner supports configuration. }
TCaptureParameters = record
brigthness: SmallInt; { Brightness should be between 0 and 100 }
contrast: SmallInt; { Contrast should be between 0 and 100 }
gain: SmallInt; { Gain should be between 0 and 2. Any value outside these ranges is going to return \ref VrBio_ErrorCodes::VRBIO_ERROR_ARGUMENT.}
captureType: TCaptureType; { \ref VrBio_CaptureType }
config: PChar; { The config parameter is used for advanced configuration. }
{ Represents a request to the license server. (OBSOLETE) @see veridisutil_makeLicenseRequest }
TLicenseRequest = record
host: PChar; { License Server's host name'. Tipically "". }
port: Integer; { License Server's port'. Tipically 80 (HTTP). }
path: PChar; { HTTP path. Tipically "/installLicense". }
body: PChar; { Request body. This must be sent to the server as POST data. }
Callback function that receives events..
readerName and image are valid only during the method execution.
If you need to use them in your application, make a copy!
@param[in] eventType OR of the received event. For example, to check for a plug (eventType & VrBio_EventType::VRBIO_CAPTURE_EVENT_PLUG).
@param[in] image Image for the event. It is going to be not NULL for VrBio_EventType::VRBIO_CAPTURE_EVENT_IMAGE_FRAME e VrBio_EventType::VRBIO_CAPTURE_EVENT_IMAGE_CAPTURED.
@param[in] userData (OBSOLETE).
TCaptureEventCallback = procedure (eventType: Integer; readerName: PChar; image: PBiometricImage; userData: Pointer); cdecl;
function VStartSDK(eventCallback: TCaptureEventCallback): Integer; cdecl; external VRBIO_DLL;
function VStopSDK(): Integer; cdecl; external VRBIO_DLL;
function VStartReader(readerName: PChar): Integer; cdecl; external VRBIO_DLL;
function VStopReader(readerName: PChar): Integer; cdecl; external VRBIO_DLL;
function VGetReaderProperties(readerName: PChar; readerProperties: PReaderProperties): Integer; cdecl; external VRBIO_DLL;
function VListDevices(devices: PPChar; N: PInteger): Integer; cdecl; external VRBIO_DLL; //???????? const char*** ?????? int *
function VSyncCapture(readerName: PChar; timeout: Integer; out_image: PBiometricImage); cdecl; external VRBIO_DLL; //????????? VrBio_BiometricImage**
function VLoadImageFromFile(fileName: PChar; imgResolution: Integer; imgLoaded: PBiometricImage); //??????????? VrBio_BiometricImage**
If someone can direct me to correct conversion of this function. Here is an excerpt from the header that I am converting ( VrBio.h ):
\ref VrBio.h
#include "VTypes.h"
#ifdef WIN32
#define DLLIMPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall
#define DLLIMPORT extern "C"
Function responsible for retrieving a list of strings, containing the readerName (uniqueName) of all connected fingerprint readers.
@param[out] devices Pointer to a list of strings. The memory will be allocated by the SDK.
@param[out] N Size of the list.
@return Error code.
- \ref VrBio_ErrorCodes::VRBIO_SUCCESS
- \ref VrBio_ErrorCodes::VRBIO_ERROR_NOT_STARTED
- \ref VrBio_ErrorCodes::VRBIO_ERROR_ARGUMENT
DLLIMPORT VListDevices(const char*** devices,int *N);