Could anyone help me with this script?


Good to script:


    $("#banner").css({"height":$(window).height() + "px"});

    var flag = false;
    var scroll;

        scroll = $(window).scrollTop();

        if(scroll > 200){
                $("#logo").css({"margin-top": "-5px", "width": "50px","height":"50px"});
                $("nav").css({"color": "#fff"});
                $("ul").css({"color": "#000"});
                flag = true;
                $("#logo").css({ "width": "80px","height":"80px"});
                $("ul").css({"color": "#000"});
                $("header").css({"background-color": "#fff"});
                flag = false;



html part of nav:

<header class="header">
                <a href=""><li>Youtube</li></a>
                <a href=""><li>Nosotros</li></a>
                <a href=""><li>Contacto</li></a>

                <img id="logo" src="pictures/logo.png">

                <a href=""><li>Youtube</li></a>
                <a href=""><li>Nosotros</li></a>
                <a href=""><li>Contacto</li></a>


I wanted to understand what's missing or where I'm going wrong, my intention with this script is that when the page is in the top the ul stay black img:



AndthenIaddedthistothescript:$("ul"). css ({"color": "# 000"}); and   $ ("ul"). css ({"color": "#fff"}); , and what was the best option?

asked by anonymous 04.01.2018 / 14:00

1 answer


Let's go, you do not need this flag and the correct one to change the color is $("nav ul a")

    scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
    if(scroll > 200){
            $("#logo").css({"margin-top": "-5px", "width": "50px","height":"50px"});
            $("nav ul a").css({"color": "blue"});                
            $("header").css({"background-color": "#fff"});
            $("#logo").css({ "width": "80px","height":"80px"});
            $("nav ul a").css({"color": "#fff"});
            $("header").css({"background-color": "#000"});




04.01.2018 / 16:10