Elements running away from the mouse [closed]


Does anyone know any plugin or how do I make a javascript effect look like this?


But I want the following I want several svg elements to run from the mouse. If anyone can help me thank you!

asked by anonymous 21.11.2018 / 15:19

1 answer


This effect is done by particles in a <canvas> , in this case, the site that sent uses this plugin: link

Just import the script

<script src="particles.js"></script>

And inject the data into any div with the code

particlesJS('ID_ELEMENTO', {
    "particles": {
        "number": {
            "value": 80,
            "density": {
                "enable": true,
                "value_area": 800
        //Outras Opções...
}, function () {


The full list of options can be accessed here: link

Here's an interesting article on the use of canvas particles: link

22.11.2018 / 15:56