How can I create tlb
C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v4.0.30319 \ RegAsm.exe "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ PRIMAVERA \ SG100 \ Apl \ ErpBS100.dll "/ tlb
The following message appears:
Types registered successfully RegAsm: error RA0000: Type library exporter encountered an error while process ing 'ErpBS100.IErpBS.get_TransaccoElectronics (# 0), ErpBS100'. Error: Type lib rary exporter encountered an error while processing 'ITTEBS100.ITTEBScommunication Entities.ValidaActualizacao (clsParametros), ITTEBS100 '. Error: Type library exp orter encountered an error while processing 'TTEBE100.TTEBEeGarErro, TTEBE100'. Error: Type 'TTEBEeGarErro' and type 'TTEBENotification and Geo' both have the same UID.
The same is not created.