Good morning guys,
I'm using the Datatable to do sorting, however when I change the value locally from the status and without posting the page the Datatable seems to ignore my change and sorts all others but what I just changed is not sorted, as if I had never changed the value of that field.
Follow the code below:
function IntanciaGrid() {
"aoColumnDefs": [
'bSortable': false,
'aTargets': [3]
"language": {
"paginate": {
"next": "Próximo",
"previous": "Anterior"
"emptyTable": "Não foi possível encontrar nenhum registro!"
This is the button that changes the status:
<button class="btn @(item.Ativo == 0 ? "btn-success" : "btn-danger") btn-xs btnAlteraStatus" type="button" data-id="@item.IdCurso">
<i class="fa @(item.Ativo == 0 ? "fa-plus-circle" : "fa-minus-circle")"></i>
<table class="table table-bordered table-hover" id="gridTable">
<thead style="background-color:#B2DFEE;">
<th class="stf-aligntext" style="width:60%"><b>Cursos Técnicos e/ou FIC</b></th>
<th class="stf-aligntext" style="width:15%"><b>Tipo</b></th>
<th class="stf-aligntext" style="width:15%"><b>Status</b></th>
<th class="stf-aligntext" style="width:10%"><b>Ações</b></th>
@foreach (PronatecDados.DALC.Entities.Curso item in Model)
<td class="stf-aligntext">@item.NomeCurso</td>
<td class="stf-aligntext">@(item.Tipo == 1 ? "Fic" : "Técnico")</td>
<td class="stf-aligntext">@(item.Ativo == 1 ? "Ativo" : "Inativo")</td>
<td class="stf-aligntext">
<a href="@Url.Action("Cadastrar", "CursoProfissionalizante", new {id = @item.IdCurso })" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">
<i class="fa fa-pencil"></i>
<button class="btn @(item.Ativo == 0 ? "btn-success" : "btn-danger") btn-xs btnAlteraStatus" type="button" data-id="@item.IdCurso">
<i class="fa @(item.Ativo == 0 ? "fa-plus-circle" : "fa-minus-circle")"></i>
I found an example of what I'm trying to do: