People do not know anything about java and I believe that's what I'm going to need. Next situation:
Below is the script to generate the amount with interest and fine of the value between due date and payment date and their respective fields:
<input name="form_fatura_datapag" type="text" value="<?php if ($coluna[fatura_datapag]=='0') echo date('d/m/Y'); else echo inteirodata(@mysql_result($sql,0,fatura_datapag));?>" size="15"/>
<input name="form_fatura_valor" type="text" value="<?= number_format($valorDocComJuros,2,",",".");?>" size="15"/>
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM faturas WHERE id_fatura=$_GET[id]");
while ($coluna = @mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
$dat_venc = inteirodata($coluna[fatura_data]);
if ($coluna[fatura_datapag]=='0') $dat_novo_venc = date('d/m/Y'); else $dat_novo_venc = inteirodata($coluna[fatura_datapag]); //CALCULO DE JUROS E MULTA DEIXA DE SER CALCULADO QDO SE COLOCA DATA DE PAGAMENTO
$valor_doc = "$coluna[fatura_parcela]";
$juros = (((($valor_doc*1)/100)/30 * (diasEntreData($dat_venc,$dat_novo_venc ))));
{$multa = 0;}
{$multa = ((2 * $valor_doc) / 100);}//Moeda(($valor_doc * 2) / 100);
$valorDocComJuros = $valor_doc + ($juros + $multa);
In case it will have to make calculation between two dates, date 1 = due date and date 2 = payment and generate the automatic invoice amount in the input with interest of the difference of this date.
Example invoice 10,00
maturity 30/01/2016
Today the invoice is in 10,15
putting the date of payment of yesterday 02/02/2016
it registers value in the database of 10,15
and not 10,10
as it should be paid yesterday.