Home > What Antivirus Do You Recommend For Windows? Norton, Pandas....?

What antivirus do you recommend for windows? Norton, pandas....?


If you use Windows 10 the best recommendation is to stick with Windows Defender which is now one of the highest rated antivirus not only because of its high level of detection but also because its impact on the system is low compared to any other antivirus. Obviously you have to configure (activate) some extra security options such as folder protection to avoid Ransomware and disable autoplay of removable devices.

Uriel Bitler

Si tienes Windows 8 a 10, ya tienes el mejor, el Microsoft Defender, solo debes asegurarte que este encendido

Si tienes Windows 7. Vista o XP, descarga AVG de AVG 2019 | FREE Antivirus & TuneUp for PC, Mac, Android e instalalo.

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