Home > I Did A Low Level Formatting But My Laptop Still Has The Virus. After Reinstalling The Drivers I Was Able To Get On The Internet But It Is Slow And Won't Let Me Install An Antivirus. What Can I Do?

I did a low level formatting but my laptop still has the virus. After reinstalling the drivers I was able to get on the internet but it is slow and won't let me install an antivirus. what can I do?

Bik Astarita

Si hiciste un formateo de bajo nivel, dudo que tengas un virus.
A no ser, que el SO que hayas instalado, viniese con él.
Es muy raro.
O eso, o tienes algún problema de hardware y le echas la culpa de la lentitud a un virus.

Demetrius Schueler

Remove the two batteries ,the rechargeable and the CMOS battery ,the small one that looks like a coin for 10 minutes after formatting, then put them back in and charge the OS.

Mellman Kats

Enter what is called safe mode. In this mode, only the most essential programs are loaded and would not allow the virus to load. This way you could install the antivirus. Are you sure it's a virus?

You're sure it's a virus?


Totally agree with Christian Jaime


For me, AVAST is the best antivirus on the market



Have a free scan online with panda antiviruz, it is very fast and easy, you only have to download the executable and have internet

Dibbell Sanmiguel

Most likely it is not a virus and the lifespan of your storage device is at its limit.

Savell Skadra

That's not a virus, it's your machine that's giving problems, the disk, the memory or the motherboard.

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