Home > What Could An Average Current Computer With Windows 1.0 Installed Do Today?

What could an average current computer with Windows 1.0 installed do today?

Xavier Tonsall

Nothing as it could not be installed on an average computer, as it would not recognise the installed peripherals due to lack of drivers. You would also need a floppy disk drive, which current computers no longer use (which is really archaic).

Aimil Branco

It's more fun how.

What my acquaintances have done is to install a virtual computer with an older windows, for example XP, on a current computer running windows 10. Then, on the virtual computer they install for example a virtual computer that runs xp but supports two, I think they use two boxes.

They also do something similar for more esoteric operating systems, this in companies that still run very old but well done and stable software.


What could an average current computer with Windows 1.0 installed do today?

It would certainly still do this ### the famous and notorious Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), existing since Windows 1.0

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