Questions tagged as 'txt'


Formatting data and saving in txt with php

The purpose is to extract data from the base and save to txt file ... The script works correctly when I enter only $ log (name) on the line if (!fwrite($savelog, $log)) When attempting to add $log2 (numero) if (!fwrite($savelog, $l...
asked by 25.03.2016 / 22:30

PHP: Txt for Array relating the lines.

Next, I have a text file (.txt) with the following structure: |100|Nome do Cliente| |200|Produto 1|R$100| |200|Produto 2|R$200| |200|Produto 3|R$300| In short, whenever the line starts with | 100 |, all | 200 | which follow below are relate...
asked by 09.03.2016 / 19:36

Txt displays duplicate information

What this application does: the user has to choose the right answer to the question. I just put a question for now. Once you have save the answer (this is within a .txt) it can see result . And here's the problem: by clicking on see resu...
asked by 29.12.2017 / 16:29

Save as txt c #

I created a method that saves a txt in the user's temp folder, but would like the user to choose where to save it on the machine (save as). How could you do this? Here is my code below: protected void btn_txt_Click(object sender, EventArgs...
asked by 05.12.2018 / 17:37

Java, write to a specific line of a .txt file

I've been testing various ways to write data to a variable in a text file (.txt), but I need to know if I can write this variable on a particular line, so I could organize multiple data in the same file by manipulating only the desired line. p...
asked by 05.08.2018 / 07:30

Compare 2 Text Files, and find equal words [closed]

Is there a tool that finds words in 2 different text files? example: file1.txt pedra cavalo torre animal fogo file2.txt garoto animal festa humano fogo result: animal fogo It is not necessary to be 2 .txt files exactly, bu...
asked by 13.07.2018 / 14:23

I need to go through the data of several txt, take specific data and generate a csv

I'm already browsing the files and accessing the data, but I need to get what's after the following line: Initial P.A.C. () P.A.C. () Match amount due 3a. part contemplation due due payment effected Balance Sopave to the top line of this d...
asked by 04.02.2018 / 00:27

Find the largest value of any file in python

Good night DEVs! I'm having some difficulties in handling files in python. I have a TXT file with Float numbers. Example:    numeros.txt         77 23   9 10 20.26 -20.26 2 Having this data in hand, I have to go through line by l...
asked by 26.04.2017 / 03:11

How to read and block this TXT with PHP?

How can I read a TXT file in this format to insert into an episode table? The structure is this: temporada{ numero_episodio - nome_do_episodio } A practical example: 1{ 1 - Episódio número 1 na 1ª Temporada 2 - Episódio número...
asked by 21.03.2017 / 18:53

Write in txt

Friends, I'm trying to generate a txt, in which the user clicks the button and automatically downloads it. You are already generating txt, but would you like to know how to write it? string str = "testando"; byte[] bytes = new byte[str.L...
asked by 14.12.2018 / 13:15