Questions tagged as 'txt'


How to load a list of numbers in a TXT file to a list in C #?

I have the following list of numbers loaded from a table, and it is separated by the character "|": 40 |16000|20|311258|3 40 |17000|20|857392|5 50 |18000|90|528777|1 60 |19000|20|917336|3 60 |20000|20|850348|3 60 |21000|90|72598 |4 100|36000|2...
asked by 28.02.2018 / 13:22

Delete Last Row - Java

I'm reading a CSV using BufferedReader reading row by line converting the result to a .txt. At the end of my txt is generating a line break after the last item. I'm trying to find a way to remove last line break after the last item in the list....
asked by 05.10.2017 / 16:29

Load two fields from a DataGrid using a txt file

How can I do this, see what I have so far: DataGrid, I need to load comboBox and valor unitário with values that I previously saved in a txt RecordProductsbutton,savename-priceprivatevoidbtnGravar_Click(objectsender,E...
asked by 27.10.2017 / 12:20

Write output from bash linux, in a file

I need to do some testing on the linux command line, but doing all the testing is very time-consuming, can anyone help me, if I can, write code in shell script to run all tests, and write output from bash in a txt file?     
asked by 27.10.2017 / 18:08

Reading data from a file with Java

Good evening, I have a text file like the image I need to read this file and grab the data and save it to an object array. For example, I have a SALA object, this object has the following attributes: number = room || north = north ||...
asked by 07.06.2017 / 02:38

Edit txt file by bat

I have the following problem: In a Windows directory, I have 3 .txt files that are automatically created every day. Inside them there are several lines with information. I want to delete two lines that are always repeated in all .txt...
asked by 13.07.2016 / 14:45

How to display data from a TXT in my arrayList - Android Studio [closed]

I currently do this: ArrayList<produtoItem> lista = new ArrayList<produtoItem>(); lista.add(new produtoItem(R.drawable.imagem, "AA", "AA", "AA", "AA")); adapter = new produtoAdapter(this, lista); ListView listView = (ListView)...
asked by 28.12.2018 / 06:04

Attempting to read a .txt file

Well I'm trying to read from a .txt file, but when I try to read and by in variables it's giving me the whole wrong info, now wrong places. I've tried using Debug's tool but I can not figure out why ... Here is the .txt file: 15 29 1;10...
asked by 01.11.2018 / 22:31

php - create txt file and add all new records in it

Good, I'm creating a function that will create a new log.txt, if already exist just write the new data. But it is giving errors, since I am testing, and I click REFRESH to the browser it only did this. ficheiro log.txt \ ola /n I w...
asked by 09.08.2018 / 03:12

Reading txt in Assembly i8086

I have the following code to read txt file: ; um programa que demonstra a criação de um arquivo e a ; leitura do mesmo .model small .stack .code start: mov ax,@data ; endereço de base do segmento de dados mov ds,ax ; é colocad...
asked by 01.06.2018 / 04:16