Questions tagged as 'string'


Find String in ArrayList

ArrayList<String> posicoes = new ArrayList<String>(); posicoes.add("Ricardo;01051509912;gmail"); posicoes.add("Renato;123456789123;hotmail"); posicoes.add("Rodrigo;09873923121;yahoo"); I have a ArrayList whose name is po...
asked by 30.08.2017 / 05:23

Insert two points in the string

I have the following string : $valor = "0050"; How do I insert two points after the second house and stay this way? 00:50     
asked by 09.09.2017 / 23:18

Label concatenating subsequent results, how to clear the previous result?

Explanation I have two label elements that receive the results of an account made inside the code (lamp expenditure calculator), when I click on calculate, it calculates and inserts the calculation result in the label, when I click calculate...
asked by 18.12.2017 / 14:20

C ++ std :: string.c_str () always returning NULL

Recently I made a question, why istreambuf_iterator does not work in android NDK , as I had no answer I decided to find out myself, I created a project in Visual Studio 2017, simple thing, just to read a file in binary mode and show the result...
asked by 02.04.2018 / 16:12

How to do a split by numbers within the string?

Follow string: 1No começo Deus criou os céus e a terra. 2A terra era um vazio, sem nenhum ser vivente, e estava coberta por um mar profundo. A escuridão cobria o mar, e o Espírito de Deus se movia por cima da água. 3Então Deus disse: — Que haj...
asked by 11.10.2017 / 15:49

Find Strings in Text Files in PHP

I have a file named "test.txt" inside it has several words, I have an input where I get the inserted word and would like to check if this word is contained within this ".txt file". Does anyone know how to do this?     
asked by 19.10.2017 / 14:30

How to do text truncation without cutting .Net words?

I'm trying in a number of ways to days but I have not been able to get this script to get the value of <h3> and return the text to it truncated. JavaScript: <script type="text/javascript"> function truncar() {...
asked by 27.09.2016 / 14:31

What is the difference between Exception.Message and Exception.ToString ()?

I have already read some answers regarding try-catch and Exception s, but I still have doubts about the difference in Exception.Message and Exception.ToString() : What's the difference between one and the other?...
asked by 08.08.2016 / 14:39

How is SecureString encrypted and stored?

The SecureString class is used to represent text that must be kept confidential in memory (passwords, card numbers, balances, and so on), and performs its correct deletion from memory when that text is no longer necessary. How is this...
asked by 22.11.2017 / 14:40

URI Online Judge - 1168 - Java

I'm trying to solve URI problem 1168. However, I can not get the number of leds needed to mount a number. Specifically, my valorLed variable is always resulting in zero. Can you help me? Problem: link My code: import java.util.S...
asked by 26.06.2016 / 21:36