What is the correct way to do a regular replacement in JavaScript for all occurrences found?
The way I currently do:
var i = 0;
while ((i = str.indexOf("_", i)) != -1) {
str = str.replace("_", " ");
Or until:
str = str.split("_")...
There are different methods for concatenating strings, such as
Concatenating with the "abc" + str
Formatting String.Format("abc{0}", str);
Using StringBuilder new StringBuilder("abc").Append(str);
Using the Concat...
Viewing a code here in SOpt, I noticed the use of the "$" symbol and I was not sure how to use it.
What is the "$" symbol before a string ?
What is it for?
Why use it?
using static System.Console;
public class Program {...
The == operator says that the Strings are different, and they store the same literal value, see example:
public class TesteString {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str1 = "teste";
String str2 = "Otes...
I have the file named dados.txt and I want to put it in String . For example:
String texto = lerArquivo("conteudo.txt");
How to write this method lerArquivo() ?
I'd like to know what the actual difference is between String (upper case s) and string (lowercase s).
Apparently the two have the same goals, but which one is "better" to use?