Questions tagged as 'sql-table'


Check if a table exists in the database

How to check if a table exists in the database before attempting to use it? <?php // define a tabela $table = 'banana'; // verificar se tabela "banana" existe aqui // $tableExists = ?? // executa consulta se existir if ($tableExists) {...
asked by 16.01.2014 / 14:11

Add row in a dataTable

I need to add a row in a table in a given position. I have the following methods: public void criarTabela(DateTime dia) { tabela = new DataTable(); switch (dia.DayOfWeek) { //case...
asked by 30.11.2015 / 03:03

Relate sub query table with main query

SGDB: MySql. PROBLEM: I need to somehow relate the subquery (being table and field highlighted in Functional.codZone1) to the table "Zone", which is in the main query. Is there any way? "ZONE" table: Contains all Zones of the city. Tab...
asked by 15.04.2014 / 17:01