SGDB: MySql.
PROBLEM: I need to somehow relate the subquery (being table and field highlighted in Functional.codZone1) to the table "Zone", which is in the main query. Is there any way?
"ZONE" table: Contains all Zones of the city.
Table Fields: "code" (INT - Key - autoincrement - table identifier code), nameName (VARCHAR - name of the Zone)
Data: Code | NameName
1 | Zona Centro-Oeste
2 | Zona Centro-Sul
3 | Zona Leste
4 | Zona Norte
5 | Zona Oeste
6 | Zona Sul
Tables "ITINERARY", "ITINERARIODEPENDENTE", "ITINERARIOEXTRA" (ALL SAME): Contains list of employees and areas where they live.
Table Fields: "Code" (INT - Key - autoincrement), "Employee code" (INT - Employee code), "codZone1" (INT - Area code where the employee is allocated)
Data: Code | Contact Us | codZona1
1 | 1 | 5
2 | 2 | 1
3 | 3 | 4
4 | 4 | 3
5 | 5 | 5
6 | 6 | 6
7 | 7 | 2
8 | 8 | 4
9 | 9 | 5
The query below tries to display the amount of "Codunctional" (Made by COUNT) existing in the tables "ITINERARY", "ITINERARIODEPENDENTE" and "ITINERARIOEXTRA" that are being unified by UNION, being summed in a Sub Query in the "SELECT I have a list of all of the tables in the table, and I have a list of all the tables in the table. ITINERARYEXTRA "by the fields" codZona1 "with the" code "field of the" Zone "table.
SELECT Zona.nomeZona, (
SELECT SUM(qtdPessoas) AS ttPessoas FROM (
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Itinerario.codFuncionario) AS qtdPessoas
FROM Itinerario
WHERE Itinerario.codZona1 = Zona.codigo
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ItinerarioDependente.codDependente) AS qtdPessoas
FROM ItinerarioDependente
WHERE ItinerarioDependente.codZona1 = Zona.codigo
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ItinerarioExtra.codExtra) AS qtdPessoas
FROM ItinerarioExtra
WHERE ItinerarioExtra.codZona1 = Zona.codigo)
AS tbP1) AS QtdFuncionarios
Because the way I'm doing, it looks like this:
Zona Centro-Oeste 900
Zona Centro-Sul 900
Zona Leste 900
Zona Norte 900
Zona Oeste 900
Zona Sul 900
Instead of coming like this:
Zona Centro-Oeste 100
Zona Centro-Sul 200
Zona Leste 100
Zona Norte 400
Zona Oeste 50
Zona Sul 50