Questions tagged as 'sql-server'


How to bring date without registration Sql server 2008

I have a SQL query summing values for each day, returning only the days that have values. But I would also like to present the days that have not been recorded. Query: SELECT DATA, SUM(VALOR) FROM TABELA1 WHERE CONTA = '176087'...
asked by 27.05.2016 / 15:33

How to group multiple records in a single row

I have a query where I need the values from other related tables to be grouped into a single column. For this I use a for, however, the lines come duplicated. I would need the result to bring only the full line, in example line 6. Does...
asked by 09.05.2016 / 22:35

Select from a table inside a cell of another table [closed]

Can not you% construct a table that contains one result of another table in one of its columns? The master key would be the reference.     
asked by 01.02.2016 / 20:27

How to join the two tables in this case?

I have two tables one "students" with enrollment and enrollment and another "do" with the students' grades in certain tests. I used the pivot command in the table "do_test" to transform the name of the tests into columns and the notes in lines,...
asked by 19.02.2016 / 19:21

How to check user in login screen?

I have a problem, I have a login screen and I need to check it with a query Sql . Get something done, but it does not check and goes straight through. private void btn_Entrar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnect...
asked by 21.09.2016 / 21:26

Doubt with Script to Generate Database Backup Sql Server 2014 [duplicate]

I'm doing it this way: USE CEP_2014_09; GO BACKUP DATABASE CEP_2014_09 TO DISK = 'C:\Backup_teste\CEP_2014_09.bak' WITH FORMAT, MEDIANAME = 'z_CEP_2014_09', NAME = 'Full Backup of CEP_2014_09'; GO Mensagem 3201, Nível 16, Es...
asked by 28.09.2016 / 17:59

How can I really integrate my SQL Server with Push on Android?

I have a request table in my bank of SQL Server and an application in Android . Whenever a request has a change in status, the user receives a notification. I already created the app by Google's GCM , got Key and eve...
asked by 26.11.2015 / 17:32

Error inserting data in SQLServer + Delphi

I have the following problem, when trying to register a new record in the database it presents me with the following error Below is the code below: open the form to register. procedure TFMHome.lbl_IncOSClick(Sender: TObject); begin...
asked by 21.11.2015 / 11:56

Switch lines by columns

Hello, I have the following query: set NOCOUNT on; declare @_mes int = 2 declare @_ano int = 2016 declare @_dataini datetime = CONVERT(DATETIME, '01/' + REPLICATE('0', 2 - LEN(@_MES)) + CAST(@_MES AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/' + CAST(@_ANO AS VARCHA...
asked by 02.03.2016 / 15:34

Writing a binary xls in SQL Server

I have an xls file that I load and transform into binary as follows: FileStream fs = new FileStream(physicalPath + "/cadastros/documentos/" + "AWS-Estudantes_" + Convert.ToString(System.DateTime.Now.Year) + "-" + Convert.ToString(System.DateTi...
asked by 21.01.2016 / 16:09