I have two tables one "students" with enrollment and enrollment and another "do" with the students' grades in certain tests. I used the pivot command in the table "do_test" to transform the name of the tests into columns and the notes in lines, as shown in the following query:
SELECT inscricao,[1_BIM],[2_BIM],[3_BIM],[4_BIM]
SELECT inscricao, idteste, nota_num
FROM [EasyNovo].[dbo].[faz_teste]
WHERE idteste='1_BIM' OR idteste='2_BIM' OR idteste='3_BIM' OR idteste='4_BIM'
PIVOT (SUM(nota_num)
FOR idteste IN ([1_BIM],[2_BIM],[3_BIM],[4_BIM]))pvt
In the result of this query I have the inscription and the notes of the students in each test, as the image shows:
But I need to, besides the inscription, the name. How to do in this case?