Questions tagged as 'sql-select'


How to return only unmatched records in a JOIN? [duplicate]

I have a question regarding the use of JOIN in SQL in this case: I have a produtos table and a destaques table that contains the id of the product. I need to make a query that returns only the records that are n...
asked by 17.10.2016 / 00:50

How to get around an accent in mysql + Php

I have in my database words with accents and when I want to call I use this SQL below. But if a word in the database has an accent I also need to use the word accented in my search, otherwise it returns nothing. How do I get around this si...
asked by 15.12.2014 / 13:46

Is there a way to start a Select (SQL) in the middle of the data table?

Is there any way in the SQL language (and using BD mysql) where I can start a Select in the middle of a table? For example, I have 500 addresses in the table. I search the addresses of Bairro X (where neighborhood="x"), reducing the total to,...
asked by 19.12.2017 / 16:35

Prefixes in SQL Statement

In SQL Server it only accepts 4 prefixes in sentences, eg Select * from pmv.banco.dbo.tabela . In this case, I'm using a client linked server. However, when I refer to some table field, where I would get a prefix ( pmv.banco.dbo.tabe...
asked by 16.06.2015 / 18:16

Check registrations between today and 10 days in the future to send by email

I'm using PHPMailer to send an email with data when it's 10 days to complete. When I send the email, all records are appearing when the idea is to appear the registrations between today and 10 days in the future. Inquiry $sql = " SELECT t...
asked by 03.03.2014 / 12:17

SELECT in VIEW generates subquery?

I would like to know if I make a VIEW with a simple query, if the call of the view generates a new SELECT, that is, a sub-SELECT totalizing 2 SELECTS or if it only points to the SELECT from within VIEW ? I only executed SELECT fr...
asked by 27.07.2017 / 20:07

Query - Bring 5 higher records

I have the query below, where I need to bring only the 2 largest columns that have the highest values. Today is coming out like this: Conciliacao Extrato Integração 150 140 80 That is, I wanted to bri...
asked by 02.08.2017 / 23:50

Variable comparison in C, and MySql field [duplicate]

I am trying to compare the name variable entered by the user, with the value obtained in the column name MySQL . char name[45]; //declarando variável name scanf ("%s", &name); //Lendo variável name mysql_query (&mysq...
asked by 12.11.2016 / 20:45

Select Distinct returns repeated data when I use Row_Number

I'm trying to make paging with SQLServer 2008 as follows: WITH CTEResults AS ( SELECT DISTINCT SolicitacaoServico.AutoId AS Id_Solicitacao, Pessoa.Nome AS Nome, Beneficiario.Codigo A...
asked by 12.02.2016 / 15:03

Do select searching for the 3 highest values

I have a table that has the following data:    id_indication, id_user, lg_client A user can indicate multiple clients (lg_client = 1) , would like a select that searches the 3 users who indicated the most, ie the three id_user that t...
asked by 31.12.2015 / 11:17