How to get around an accent in mysql + Php


I have in my database words with accents and when I want to call I use this SQL below.

But if a word in the database has an accent I also need to use the word accented in my search, otherwise it returns nothing.

How do I get around this situation and search for both accented and non-accented words?

 SELECT * FROM produtos WHERE status_pr='online' AND (LCASE(nome_pr) LIKE '%$get%' 
 OR LCASE(descricao_pr) LIKE '%$get%' OR LCASE(marca_pr) LIKE '%$get%'
 OR LCASE(linha_pr) LIKE '%$get%' OR LCASE(categoria_pr) LIKE '%$get%')

In the above code, $ get is the PHP variable with what will be searched.

asked by anonymous 15.12.2014 / 13:46

3 answers


Copying Based on this OS response , you just have to select the fields using utf8 as charset:

SELECT * FROM produtos WHERE status_pr='online' AND (LCASE(nome_pr) LIKE _utf8'%$get%' 
 OR LCASE(descricao_pr) LIKE _utf8'%$get%' OR LCASE(marca_pr) LIKE _utf8'%$get%'
 OR LCASE(linha_pr) LIKE _utf8'%$get%' OR LCASE(categoria_pr) LIKE _utf8'%$get%')
15.12.2014 / 14:45

Try to do this:

  FROM 'produtos'
  WHERE status_pr='online' AND nome_pr LIKE _utf8 'SAO PAULO' COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci 

More information - > link

15.12.2014 / 14:34


Based on this question I found an answer that talks about the% SELECT CONVERT(column_name USING utf8) FROM table_name LIKE '%giga%'
that solved my problem, this may help others. Thanks Thomas

15.12.2014 / 15:12