Questions tagged as 'sms'


How to send SMS for free using PHP? [closed]

I wonder if there is any way to send SMS for free to Brazilians cell phones. I have already seen some PHP systems with this function, and I would like to have this function on my system as well.     
asked by 11.12.2013 / 17:13

Python - API 2.0 Zenvia - urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request

The software below has the following intent: extract data from an excel .XLS file and send SMS with information extracted through the Zenvia platform. Here is the Zenvia Platform 2.0 API link: link import re import urllib.request import x...
asked by 19.07.2016 / 21:12

Send SMS via PHP

I have an SMS gateway that receives the data from my form in this pattern: <?php include "smsGateway.php"; $smsGateway = new SmsGateway('[email protected]', 'password'); $deviceID = 1; $numbers = ['+44771232343', '+44771232344']; $message...
asked by 18.07.2016 / 16:22

SMS not received

I'm trying to learn how to tinker with twilio by applying it to a same test project in ASP.NET MVC 5. In the middle of my Google dig, I found this tutorial here that explains how to use it. I did everything according to what is in this...
asked by 16.03.2015 / 22:59

Copy SMS messages received by iPhone

I am wondering if there is a way to access SMS messages already received by the iPhone. If there is something like having access to contacts. I did not find anything talking about whether it is possible or not. But it is not for theft app no....
asked by 17.09.2014 / 17:04

Add data to database only after account validation by SMS. - LARAVEL 5.1

As the title suggests, I wanted to know a way to just send user data to the database after it has confirmed the confirmation SMS, thank you if anyone help me. Using laravel version 5.1.     
asked by 26.10.2018 / 14:16

Access / Send Message Android

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible for an android app to send sms messages, not free, using the mobile phone system, as if it were the default application of the device. If so, does anyone know of any projects? Thank you.     
asked by 18.03.2018 / 00:07

Capture text from Sms when sending it

In the code snippet below I capture the message and the phone that is received by sms on the cell phone and compare the message with a string already saved and in the same case I execute an action responding to the phone number, all using Broadc...
asked by 12.02.2018 / 17:37

Integrated SMS API with PHP

I have a visit scheduling form, when the user does their scheduling and confirms an email is triggered for the same with scheduling information. I would like to know if anyone has already integrated an SMS API with PHP. Example: My sending...
asked by 22.12.2017 / 12:06

SMS with GoogleMaps link is not sent

I work sending SMS with the GoogleMaps link, but in some cases, the phone does not send, I can not know the reason, other links are sent normally. Here is the image of the message: Iwouldlikesomehelpinresolvingthisissue.And,importantly,theid...
asked by 25.09.2017 / 18:00