Questions tagged as 'return'


Value returned from procedure (PDO)

The procedure is running fine, but in case I am not able to get the value it returns, I already looked in the php documentation link , but not yet. function static function inserirCliente($cpf, $nome, $sobrenome, $usuario, $senha) { $...
asked by 06.07.2018 / 23:16

Returning direct and array function string

What works: void *teste(); int main () { printf("\nRESULTADO: %s\n", teste()); return 0; } void *teste(){ return "Ponteiro"; } What goes wrong: void *teste(); int main () { printf("\nRESULTADO: %s\n", teste()); retu...
asked by 03.11.2017 / 15:11

Bring Return Between Two Functions - Javascript

Hello, I have the fuction list, which brings a GET url to another function. How do I get the return from {} out of the function list? This form in low does not return: / function list(){ $.get( "<?php echo BASE_URL;?>...
asked by 08.02.2018 / 23:36

Get a return from a method in another Java class

I have a method in my Spring boot API that receives the data of the user that is logging, checks if it exists and if the password confers. Then return returns a JWT token. I need to get this token return in another Java class. I can not d...
asked by 20.12.2017 / 11:16

Pass data received in JSON to another page

I have the code below where I get a JSON file and display 2 fields of it: $.getJSON('', function(data){ this.qtd = data.json.length; this.retorno = ''; for(i in data.json){ this.retorno += 'Nom...
asked by 22.11.2017 / 17:54

Return an array of a function in C [duplicate]

Hello, I'm doing a C program that requires to be modularized, that the user registers the desired courses, prints the courses on the screen, but I want to use the course matrix in another function, how to return that matrix to another matrix in...
asked by 15.11.2017 / 18:18

Change an array of char within a function

I'm trying to pass a char array pointer to a function. I want it to make changes to this char array. Here is the code for the function: void dhnfe( char tzd, char hverao, char *dh) { if (hverao == 1) { switdh(tzd) {...
asked by 24.06.2017 / 20:45

Method with return

create a method that returns the variable HUMIDITY; But I need to make a Thread to update the value of the humidity every now and then. (The humidity is read through the Arduino). Is it necessary to make a thread or not the need? Here's the c...
asked by 07.06.2016 / 02:31

How to guarantee the type of value returned by a closure?

I can perform the requests with Alamofire, but I saw that it is not possible to use return within the scope of success. After a search, I saw that the solution is to use a closure pattern, to get the value of the request when it is finished,...
asked by 24.04.2016 / 06:48

Execute the function once get the return and use in a codeIgniter loop

Hello I'm having trouble retrieving the return of a model and using it in a foreach, without the function being executed again several times ... How can I do to get the return and use this same return several times? Code for illustratio...
asked by 18.04.2016 / 21:46