I have the code below where I get a JSON file and display 2 fields of it:
$.getJSON('www.site.com.br/arquivo.json', function(data){
this.qtd = data.json.length;
this.retorno = '';
for(i in data.json){
this.retorno += 'Nome: ' + data.json[i].nome + '<br />';
for (j in data.json[i].amigos){
this.retorno += 'TXT: ' + data.json[i].amigos[j].amigo + '<br />';
this.retorno += '<br />';
I would like to put a link like "see +" and the user clicks to go to a new page where, besides showing the two fields that are being displayed (name and friend), bring the rest of their content as address, tel , etc. (this data is in JSON).
How can I create this link and receive data only from the person I want on the other page?
Thank you.