Questions tagged as 'redes'


Android application on local network

I'd like to know where to start studying to create an App that works on the local network. I have a version of this App that works using Firebase with my online database. I wanted to now do something similar but locally, with Wifi only Wireless...
asked by 27.03.2018 / 09:43

How to receive Client = Server connections using vpn software? [closed]

I have remote access software (Client / Server) and want to make the connection between the Client (connect to the Server using a host name) = > Server using vpn software on the Server side, but this is not working. The server side looks s...
asked by 03.10.2017 / 03:22

How to differentiate device type from IP?

How do I know what kind of device is using an IP? I wonder if there is any way to validate whether an IP belongs to a computer, a mobile device, etc. This is to differentiate device types from IP. I'm interested in doing this in Java....
asked by 10.08.2016 / 13:46

Due to NAT, is IP access count imperfect?

I found it hard to find content on the internet about it. I would like to know in general what is NAT (Network Address Translation), how it maps the private IPs in a public IP and mainly where it is currently used. When I contract a home inte...
asked by 13.05.2016 / 01:36

Accessing a shared directory through PHP, is it possible?

I have a remote server that has a shared folder ex: \ remote_mobile Within this directory there are several files that I would like to check the size with PHP. Doubt: With PHP I can access a shared folder for this purpose? Note: T...
asked by 04.01.2017 / 00:45

Why server requires open ports on an access modem but the client does not?

I had this doubt as to how I was thinking of creating a chat for direct communication between two computers whether local or remote. This will be my first study project in which I apply network communication. So I realized that to create a serve...
asked by 14.05.2017 / 01:04

How to create a .bat to run network file

Bat that is locally in a network of several computers, one has a recorder and the other does not, the one that does not have the recorder I use a .bat with the following code via local network, to get the files of the cds. / p> net use d: /del...
asked by 08.05.2017 / 20:46

Socket operation on non-socket

I'm learning how to program sockets but I'm having problems when I want to exchange the messages between the client and the server, the two codes work as "should", but the problem is when sending a message and receive. client.cpp #include &...
asked by 01.10.2017 / 19:33

How to filter PCAP file with Python?

The PCAP file was generated on 12/21/2016 and has 5 GB and so it is impractical to try to open it with wireshark (graphical interface) I installed the tshark in Ubuntu and when I read the manual, I tried the following filter: tshark -r cap...
asked by 05.03.2017 / 13:18

MySql server with Xampp to be accessed by another machine? [closed]

I am a complete beginner in tinkering with web programming and local and remote servers, my notion on these subjects is quite partial. Well, I have a system that will need to access a Mysql database. But this server with the database must be on...
asked by 25.08.2016 / 16:53