Bat that is locally in a network of several computers, one has a recorder and the other does not, the one that does not have the recorder I use a .bat with the following code via local network, to get the files of the cds. / p>
net use d: /del /y
net use d: \lab05\d /y
I wanted to know how to run the recorder on all machines at once, they all have this .bat but I need to open one by one, what I was trying to do was something like this .bat
net use H: \pc01\lab05.bat
net use I: \pc02\lab05.bat
net use J: \pc03\lab05.bat
I just do not know if net use works exactly that way.
I can create shared folders between these computers, it would be like doing a remote access but only to open that .bat that is on the desktop.