Questions tagged as 'qml'


Waiting for a signal inside a QQuickImageProvider

I'm creating an application using QML and Qt 5.2 . In it a ListView displays multiple items, each with an image and associated text. The image is built based on data uploaded from a server by HTTP . In a simplified way, I have the fol...
asked by 23.01.2014 / 15:12

View a dynamically loaded text / photo block with QML for Android

I'm writing an application using the QML of the newly released Qt 5.2 targeted for Android. On one of the screens I need to display an article that is loaded from a server and may change after the application has been released. The article would...
asked by 15.12.2013 / 18:09

Dynamic / stochastic object allocation in QML

I'm currently trying to do the following in QML at the same time: Dynamic loading of objects previously created a separate file; When doing what is previously described, select objects stochastically For this I am, very basically,...
asked by 26.10.2016 / 12:01

Changing the ownership of a QML object by C ++

I'm trying to make a change to a property of a (Rectangle) object that was instantiated in QML, but I'm not able to do it because the findChild strong null . I'm following the following documentation: - Integrating QML and C ++
asked by 04.11.2016 / 19:04

How to deal with screen orientation in QML?

I develop normally focused on vertical orientation, but when I turn the device screen to horizontal, the elements are resized unwanted, leaving some smaller than they really should be. For example: Rectangle { id: foo width: parent....
asked by 07.02.2014 / 01:56

How to create a mask between a QML image and a QtQuick element

How to create a mask between an imported QML image (eg a png, jpeg, svg, etc ...) icon, and a user interface element in the background (eg a rectangle)?     
asked by 02.11.2016 / 13:05

Create an enumerator in QML by C ++

I'm trying to use an enumerator that was created in C ++ and I'm using the QT 5.6 website itself to guide me, Data Type Conversion Between QML and C ++ . However when compiling I get the following compiler exception: error: undefined refere...
asked by 03.06.2016 / 16:27

Reset a QAbstractListModel

I would like to know how do I reset or clear the data of a QAbstractListModel? I'm using version 5.6 of Qt. The problem I am having is when I try to perform an update of the information that is in the Model, where I need to clean the data and...
asked by 16.06.2016 / 16:00

Use of delete function - Inheritance of a QList

When compiling I get the following error, in QList . I'm using Qt 5.6. error: use of deleted function 'Vitamin: Vitamin (const Vitamin &)' current-> v = new T (* reinterpret_cast (src-> v)) error: use of deleted function 'Vitamin:...
asked by 08.06.2016 / 15:57

Problem with FileDialog in QML

I'm trying to use the FileDialog component in QML I've done exactly the same code that is in the Qt documentation on the link and this code did not show FileDialog and returned the error: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructe...
asked by 18.11.2015 / 14:40