I'm currently trying to do the following in QML at the same time:
- Dynamic loading of objects previously created a separate file;
- When doing what is previously described, select objects stochastically
For this I am, very basically, using the code below:
import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
id: randomMIDIkeyboardSelector;
property var random: 0;
function randomSelection(min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
var out = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
return parseFloat(out);
function createMidiKeyboard(itemToBeInstantiated) {
var component = Qt.createComponent("MidiKeyboard.qml");
var midiKeyboard = component.createObject(itemToBeInstantiated, {});
function randomPicking() {
random = parseInt(randomSelection(1, 8));
if(random == 1) {createMidiKeyboard(MidiKeyboard);}
if(random == 2) {createMidiKeyboard(MidiKeyboard2);}
if(random == 3) {createMidiKeyboard(MidiKeyboard3);}
if(random == 4) {createMidiKeyboard(MidiKeyboard4);}
if(random == 5) {createMidiKeyboard(MidiKeyboard5);}
if(random == 6) {createMidiKeyboard(MidiKeyboard6);}
if(random == 7) {createMidiKeyboard(MidiKeyboard7);}
if(random == 8) {createMidiKeyboard(Midikeyboard8);}
return random;
Component.onCompleted: randomPicking();
Basically, I'm creating a random number and using a javascript function to create objects dynamically , which instantiates from a if statement
However, when I load the file in the main document, the desired user interface object is not created in the window
To better understand the contents of the project I suggest, if you are interested, to consult the link below: