Questions tagged as 'python'


Number of rows and columns of a matrix in python

How do I know the number of rows and columns of an array in the Python language?     
asked by 08.09.2018 / 22:15

I am in doubt about which language to use [closed]

What programming language would be the ideal one to build a search engine for pricing on different websites? I've been told about Python, but I'd like to have other options open.     
asked by 24.07.2018 / 19:59

How do I stop the For when the range is 5? [closed]

How do I stop the For cycle when it reaches a certain condition? For example, it would be when c is equal to 5. for c in range(1,10): print('a,b,c') if c % 5: break Next, a function will be used, but I'd like to understand the flow...
asked by 15.08.2018 / 22:59