Questions tagged as 'python'


How to push the button of a site in python

I am doing a webscrapping of the site of the cipher club and taking the most accessed songs of a genre. The code works normal but the way the page is made only the first 100 songs appear, to show the rest I have to physically click the "Show...
asked by 18.08.2018 / 18:07

Web Scraping with python

Good evening. I want to make a simple algorithm to take data from a website ( link ). I've already done a part of the library code: from urllib.request import urlopen from bs4 import BeautifulSoup html = urlopen("
asked by 30.08.2018 / 05:48

How to install pipenv on ubuntu 16.04 for python3

I tried to install using apt-get install pipenv , apt install pipenv but did not succeed.     
asked by 24.08.2018 / 15:18

Write file in excel within the Scrapy project [closed]

I have a Spider that takes the xlsx links, in the Request I call the files and saved in: def save_file(self, response): f = open("teste.xls", "wb") f = write(response.body) f.close() But it returns the error: f = write(resp...
asked by 09.05.2018 / 17:47

How to sum values coming from a for?

So, I need to solve a little problem in my code (I'm very newb), I'm just programming because I need this for my TCC, I do not know much about python but I'm trying to turn around. In line 126 it has that formula del_Frs_uth .... and it...
asked by 05.05.2018 / 22:58

How to print text in the same line in Python

list = open("list.txt", "w") list = list.readlines() for i in list: print i I wanted to print i on the same line without getting down, type replacing the current word     
asked by 26.05.2017 / 20:14

How to solve the module error not found? (Installing opencv-python)

I installed opencv-python by Anaconda, but when I try to import it, the error is displayed: DLL load failed: Não foi possível encontrar o módulo especificado. Any ideas?     
asked by 07.12.2018 / 23:58

Python program that automatically updates file folder

I'm trying to make a python algorithm that whenever I release a new version of files (ps these files would be stored in sd card, so they are not a functional part of the algorithm), it could be in github, or some hosted site, the algorithm check...
asked by 31.05.2018 / 23:26

Generate 9-digit keys with Python

I would like to generate several values following the pattern XXX-XXX-XXX where all the possibilities will be generated, for example: 1 - 000-000-000 2 - 000-000-001 3 - 000-000-002 . . . x - 999-999-999 . . . x - 000-000-00A x - 000-00...
asked by 18.12.2017 / 23:04

Write multiple csv files in Python [closed]

Hello! My question is this: I wrote a program that, with the information I enter, it will collect a number of links (this number varies) and will store them in a csv. Then it will open each of these links and collect some data, saving them in an...
asked by 05.11.2018 / 11:50