Questions tagged as 'python'


Editing exif from an image

I need to edit the exif information of an image, such as location and date, for example, but I can not find any library to do this with Python 3.4 and Windows. The most I got was using Pillow to read these properties, however, when I edit...
asked by 10.04.2015 / 12:57

Able to see through cubes - opengl - pyopengl

Context: I'm using using pyopengl 3.0.2 and python 2.7 to do 3ds drawings in opengl, ubuntu 14.04 as OS and intel hd 3000 as video card. Problem: When running any cube in opengl the cube becomes transparent even without using the alpha. I...
asked by 04.02.2015 / 01:42

Select rows in a PostgreSQL array

I'm using the PostgreSQL and Python database to query it, I have the following modeling: I'mtryingtomakeaquerythatreturnsallOrderItemsofaOrdertoaarray,forthisImadethefollowingcode:selectARRAY(SELECT'('||translate(string_to_array(x.*::"text",...
asked by 11.12.2014 / 20:57

How to use Twisted in Mac OSX?

I'm following a tutorial to use Twisted to connect to an app. But at the time of testing the connection to localhost for testing, it appears that it is not responding. I am using the following script in the file: from twisted....
asked by 05.12.2014 / 22:00

Python - Convert mysql datatime

I'm trying to compare the current date with the last record date of my mysql database: sql2 = "SELECT created_at FROM tempaverage WHERE created_at IN (SELECT max(created_at) FROM tempaverage)" cursor.execute(sql2) current = strftime("%Y-%m...
asked by 04.03.2015 / 15:12

Open-ID Python Framework

Everyone, I have a problem. I do not think the stack is the best place to ask but I do not know exactly where to ask this. As everyone knows, OpenId 2.0 will no longer be supported by google which forces us to change our OpenId Connect (Oa...
asked by 13.01.2015 / 17:54

Problem attaching value to array in Python 2

The problem is in matrix.append([(x+1), vectorY[x][1]]) . As much as the value of vextor[x][1] is different from (x+1) , when it is added it will receive the same value of (x+1) , leaving an array with two equal values,...
asked by 06.11.2014 / 15:43

Pelican: How to define the layout of each page similar to Jekyll?

I use Jekyll in my website / a>, I'll stop using that reason . I wanted to migrate to the Pelican but caught up with the layouts. The problem is this: In Jekyll I can on each page define the layout, or rather tell (point) what the la...
asked by 18.09.2014 / 21:32

Exec command does not work in python

Well, I am not able to execute external functions (with exec) that will change global lists so that it is used in my main function, follows code: m = [] n = [] def mp((a,b),p): c = [n[0] for n in p] d = [z.index for z in c if (a == z)]...
asked by 27.08.2014 / 07:13

Python - Local Multiplayer System

I'm trying to create a local multiplayer system, where it will have a script for the "server" and several "clients" will be able to connect. For now I will use in a simple test application, where users will create their accounts, will log in and...
asked by 09.07.2014 / 15:40