How to use Twisted in Mac OSX?


I'm following a tutorial to use Twisted to connect to an app. But at the time of testing the connection to localhost for testing, it appears that it is not responding.

I am using the following script in the file:

from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocol
from twisted.internet import reactor

class IphoneChat(Protocol):
    def connectionMade(self):
        print " um cliente conectado"

factory = Factory()
factory.protoco = IphoneChat
reactor.listenTCP(80, factory)
print "Iphone Chat server started"

Then I open another console window to test with the following command:

telnet localhost 80

And I get the following error:


Trying :: 1 ... telnet: connect to address :: 1: Connection refused   Trying ... telnet: connect to address Connection   refused telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

How do I get Twisted to work on Mac OSX?

asked by anonymous 05.12.2014 / 22:00

1 answer


My first suggestion is whenever you choose on another port, such as 8000 . On OSX normally only processes running with root can open ports below 1024. This can be changed but I do not recommend it.

If you really need to use the 80 port, OSX comes with a utility called ipfw that allows you to redirect the port 80 to 8000 :

sudo ipfw add 100 fwd,8000 tcp from any to me 80

Now you can change your program to the 8000 port and still access it on the 80 port.

10.12.2014 / 04:07