Questions tagged as 'postgresql'


Group SQL values by two fields

I'm trying to group a table so I can count, but I'm having trouble. The table structure is as follows: ID - NOME - IDADE - ESCOLARIDADE 1 - João - 15 - Ensino Fundamental Completo 2 - José - 25 - Ensino Fundamental Completo 3 - Mar...
asked by 30.01.2016 / 15:55

postgres sql insert into

I have to copy data from two databases to a new one, it happens that when you copied new data these already exist but there are new ones that are not inserted. The query I have at the moment is this: INSERT INTO concelho(id,censo,concelho)...
asked by 01.01.2016 / 17:13

Problems connecting to PostgreSQL (ghost URL)

I'm working on a java web project and I have a connection class with the PostgreSQL database, which links to the database called BASE_X that performed properly, but I made a copy of the project that has this class and made another database in...
asked by 25.09.2015 / 21:30

Instantiation error for class

Good afternoon, I have looked several times and I do not understand the reason for this error. I need to instantiate the "created variable" that is in the JFrame for the class UserM. It just says that in the line that the "created variable" n...
asked by 04.12.2015 / 18:22

Search using between no postrgres

I am performing a search in the database with the purpose of returning only the features that are between the range of 40 and 100. But when I run the script below it is returning me other features that are not related to the searched. Apparently...
asked by 29.10.2015 / 17:49

How to improve TestCase speed in Django?

I'm running a test in Django with just two querys and in the timer it's taking 1 min and 10 seconds to finalize the test. Is there a setting I can adjust to speed up testing? I'm currently using postgresql in the project database.     
asked by 04.09.2015 / 22:38

How to include or remove enter, line break, new line of a string - Postgresql

How to remove or include "line break", "enter", "new line" of a string result in postgres. The result is: comentário Texto do comentário Mais texto And I want to: comentário Texto do comentário - Mais texto Or the other way round  ...
asked by 16.10.2015 / 22:21

How To Reference Foreign Key Alternating Tables

I have a Database of City, State and Country. But I want to add Cities to my table and it does not always contain a State to be referenced. However, every city is located in one country. My question is: can I create a relationship in which...
asked by 05.08.2015 / 21:07

Connect application to Postgresql?

Rstou wanting to connect a simple C # application to a Postgresql database, what I would like to know is if the procedure is similar to Java, in which I have to create a connection class, a class with the get's and set's of entities to manipulat...
asked by 24.06.2015 / 13:22

Synchronizing the Database on Desktop and Mobile?

Well I'm going to start working on a BIG project, which will be MULTIPLATAFORM, both for Desktop and Mobile, and we're discussing a way, of working with the DATABASE in both applications. The interactions would be more or less like FACEBOOK....
asked by 27.05.2015 / 23:48