Good afternoon!
I'm using spring-boot and thymeleaf to develop a java application, I'd like to know how I can load logs into the modal bootstrap window by clicking the link in the table that lists the logs.
Example: In the user query screen,...
Good morning, I have a question, I need to calculate a new password for each patient when I go through this method:
ps = getConexao().prepareStatement(SQL_VERIFICAR_PROTOCOLOS_PENDENTES);
ps.setDate(1, new java.sql.Date(dto.getDa...
Good morning guys, I have the following problem. My system makes changes to a table in the database, if the content is inserted directly by script in postgres, accenting works normally, but when updating the text by the system, the accent does n...
I have a SQL problem in my query, it follows:
$sql = "SELECT
pa.codigo AS codigo_participante,
pa.nome AS nome_participante,
cl.usuario, AS data...
I want to make a select with the count function and bring all the records of a table, but when displaying the amount in the textfield, it displays a different result. I'll put the code for you to analyze:
Error Displayed
With the function below I want to make this function compare the current date with the date stored in the database.
create table mercado(
id integer,
diaEntrega date,
valor integer
insert into mercado values (2,'7-02-18',1...
I successfully execute the following command through the terminal:
pg_dump -d teste -h -p 5432 -U postgres -w -f /home/william/pgsql/17032701.backup
However, when I execute the command by shell_exec of PHP , I...
I have a product table and I want to calculate the profit margin based on the columns preco_venda and preco_custo done as below:
update produto set margem_lucro=((((preco_unit/preco_custo)*100)-100))
Error occurs
I'm doing a select in the database, using ExecScalar returning an object but I can not make a cast of this returned value to integer.
public static int ConsultaPDVsAtivos()
NpgsqlCommand sql = new NpgsqlCommand();
sql.CommandText = "...
I have an update in a field
Being the same type bigint[] , field response: '{1,2,3,4,5,11,44,56,75,11}'
My Query
UPDATE callcenter.pausa
SET permissao_ver = '{"(SELECT cod_grupo FROM crm.usuariosgru...