Questions tagged as 'posicionamento'


How to distribute words in a fixed size area?

I have a list of words and I need to distribute them in an area of fixed dimensions so that it looks like they have been arranged randomly in this space. But I need to make sure the words do not encash, and there are not any big "holes" in the a...
asked by 26.02.2014 / 15:39

Element leaves the place in "out-zoom"

In this site , the menu is ul inline , it is inside div with indefinite width of dark color. In ul I put margin-left to align with the bottom blocks ... It happens that in another resolution or when shooting the zo...
asked by 26.10.2014 / 00:10

Get mouse position in percentage by clicking on the image

I have an image on the screen and I need to click on the image and know the position of where I clicked in relation to the X and Y of the image. For example, I clicked the center of the image, so X would be 50% and Y 50%. I tried t...
asked by 04.05.2017 / 22:01

Scroll the contents of the DIV without the contents exiting the DIV

Hello, I have a problem, I would like my DIV from the right corner to accompany the contents of the left until the contents of the left, but if I put position fixed in the right DIV, it stays fixed until the end of the page. Can anybody help me?...
asked by 14.11.2014 / 20:27

When to use vertical-align?

I have a notion that in certain cases it is recommended to use this property instead of text-align , margin or position . But I do not know why or how vertical-align works. Also, how do you use this property?    ...
asked by 04.11.2014 / 02:39

Problem with footer in mobile sites

I recently came across a problem in a footer for a project of mine. The footer in the case should be at the bottom of the page ( bottom: 0; ), so far so good, it gets normal. The problem is that when I enter the site through my mobile b...
asked by 15.09.2015 / 20:57

How to do "position: fixed;" at the top and stand on top of everything?

I'm needing a fixed div at the top of the screen (until then, just use position: fixed ), but not overlapped by other divs and images. She has to stay on top of everything. "Organization": <html> <head> [brain] </head&g...
asked by 21.10.2015 / 00:02

How to leave a fixed div with the scroll?

I'm using AngularJs and Angular Material and I need to make a div stay fixed but I have no idea how to do it, my structure is as follows: <div class="page"> <md-toolbar layout="row"> <md-button h...
asked by 10.11.2016 / 12:12

Div's with input and label on the same line

My situation : I have a form in which the fields are arranged vertically, and with the label aligned to the right and left, as shown in the image below: Iwanttoleaveatleast2fieldsperlineforothertests,andthereisspaceonthepagetodothis.Ihavemad...
asked by 12.08.2014 / 17:23

Position a section of the layout below a FIXED header

- > I have a layout whose header is fixed at the top. - > But the section just below is below it and does not follow the same (normal) flow In this case what is the best way to make the section below below the header? 1) Using pos...
asked by 28.11.2014 / 19:03