Questions tagged as 'portugol'


Difficulty with loop (repetition) in Portuguese

I have this exercise to do:    Make a program that asks the user for the number of   energy in a region, after reading this amount of power plants, the   asks for each plant which type of plant (h-hydroelectric T-   E-thermoelectric and what...
asked by 08.05.2015 / 14:18

How to put string and variables together in Portuguese?

Hello, I'm learning Portugol for academic purposes and I'm having trouble with a code I'm doing. ButwhenIrun,itrunsuntilit'stimetoaverage.Thenhesayshedidnotfindthestudentvariable.BeautyItookthestudentanddidsoescreval("sua média é " media)...
asked by 25.10.2017 / 22:53

Using LOG in VISUALG Functions

When using LOG in visualG a problem is occurring, I need to split a value entered by the user, by log 2 in base 10. But he does not do this error. funcao menu_8():inteiro var logaritmo :real inicio para contador de 0 ate 12 faca logaritm...
asked by 17.06.2016 / 15:43

Question vector portugol

Two questions about vectors and matrices. 1_ Give any vector with 100 integers, make a module that informs whether there is or not repeated numbers in that vector. Algorithm "Repeat in vector" Var // Seção de Declarações das variáveis vet...
asked by 12.04.2016 / 17:35

Visual G: What does the ':' character mean and how does it influence the results?

I'm learning to use visual g for this material here: link In this particular code I have a very small question, which contains no answers in either material or google. algoritmo "exemplo" var x: real y: inteiro a: caractere l: logico inic...
asked by 28.06.2017 / 18:49

visualg ladder line break

I'm having trouble with the code to break the line. I need to create a ladder that looks like this: # ## ### #### ##### If I put "#" ("#") it breaks the line, but the end result looks like this: # # # # # # # # # #...
asked by 06.06.2016 / 01:17

What happens to the variable i in this algorithm? Sequence inversion algorithm

Good evening. I began to study data structure with the support of the book Data Structure and Their 2nd Algorithms (SZWARCFITER / MARKENZON). The first algorithm of the book tries to invert the elements of the sequence in the vector, changing...
asked by 16.06.2016 / 23:40

How do I determine the number that appears the most times and the position in which it is?

A vector of n positions has been read, how do I determine the number that appears the most and the position it is in? programa { funcao inicio(){ inteiro vetor[] inteiro numero, conta inteiro i, j, n leia(n...
asked by 17.10.2017 / 17:31

"Program scope was not closed properly." in pseudocode

I wrote the following pseudocode only I am getting the following error: The program scope was not closed properly. enter the '}' character to correct the problem. I already tried to close with '}' only it ends up generating more er...
asked by 10.04.2014 / 16:54

How to use the REPITA command in this algorithm?

I have the following question but I could not figure out how to do it using the command REPITA :    Write an algorithm that requests the age of several people (USE REPEAT). Enter the total number of people under 25 and the total number...
asked by 02.06.2017 / 06:27