Questions tagged as 'portugol'


Algorithm to calculate the sum of the numbers typed in portugol

I'm using Portugol Studio to study algorithms in English. And I have a difficulty in an issue that the teacher has passed. The question is as follows:    Create an algorithm that prompts the user to enter 10 numbers   any integers. Print t...
asked by 11.04.2017 / 20:11

Discover numbers in sequence that multiplied is a result

Today I helped my cousin solve a math exercise. The exercise called for two numbers in sequence which when multiplied the result is 16512 (128 * 129). I would like to know a code that solves this with any number.     
asked by 12.03.2017 / 23:47

How to use% in Portugol [closed]

I have the following question:    Write an algorithm that calculates a worker's salary. The user will be asked for the value of the hour worked, number of hours and the % discount of the INSS. At the end, print the worker's net salary.    ...
asked by 31.05.2017 / 06:38

Divisible - portugol (VISUALG)

I have the following question and below what I have tried but it is not showing only the divisible numbers that is my intention. I'm doing the test by typing the number 8, the correct program was to say " 8 is divisible by 8 and by 2 " Wri...
asked by 01.06.2017 / 04:12

How to put different texts for "yes" and "no" in Visualg?

I recently started programming, and I'm doing an algorithm that guesses the user's age, and I'm using Visualg to practice programming logic. How to put sim or não commands in Visualg, and if the person chooses sim , enter...
asked by 10.11.2016 / 22:27

How to make an algorithm to convert case to lowercase?

I need an algorithm that accepts a string or literal expression in uppercase or uppercase or lowercase. Example: leia(nome) Regardless of the entry:    So-and-so, FANO, so-and-so, or FULANO The output of the code escreva(nome)...
asked by 24.10.2014 / 17:40

How to save data in .txt file in VisualG?

Staff need to make a registration system in Portugol for a college job. However, I want the data to be saved for a possible query. Is it possible to save data in a .txt file in VisualG? (I searched for the "file" command but I did not unde...
asked by 22.10.2017 / 06:09

Find repeating numbers in lists with Visualg

   Write a program that receives 100 numbers entered by the user. At the end the program displays how many numbers you enter are the same as the last number entered. As far as I can go: algoritmo "semnome" // Função : // Autor : // Data :...
asked by 31.05.2017 / 03:59

Program in C: A certain doubt

The program I did compiled, but what is requested does not appear on the screen. The question is this:    Construct an algorithm in PORTUGOL, which receives three values, A, B, and C, and   store them in three variables with the following nam...
asked by 09.10.2016 / 00:00

What's the difference between the "while" structure and repeat in VisualG?

What's the difference between the "while" structure and repeat in VisualG? Do you have an example?     
asked by 20.11.2016 / 16:44