Questions tagged as 'owl'


How to fill an ontology from Java?

I'm working with ontologies, and I have an OWL file where my ontology is already defined, classes, object properties, and so on. I use Protegé 4.1 to fill these policies by creating the instances of each class. But I'm trying to create these ins...
asked by 20.08.2015 / 17:52

How to convert a String of this type to a Date Object

I'm working with an ontology in Protegé 4.1 and I have a DataProperty which is a DateTime. I'm getting this DateTime this way: ["2015-06-30T16:38:53"^^xsd:dateTime] How do I put the date this way in a Java Date object? (I'm using Java 7)...
asked by 01.07.2015 / 23:33

Doubt about hierarchical relations between classes and slots

I'm trying to do an ontology from a hospital and I have the classes:    Physiotherapist, Physician, Psychologist and Nutritionist Within the class Médico , I have some specialties - among them:    Oncology How do I say t...
asked by 31.10.2015 / 04:00

Carousel - arrows as pagination

I'm working with the Owl Carousel v2.2.1 and need to display 3 images at a time. This is already possible using pagination, but I need the same event to be done using the arrows. Every time you click the arrow you should change the page (the n...
asked by 10.03.2018 / 16:39

Maven OWL API How to resolve dependency error

My question is about Maven. I'm working on a project that involves the OWL API library and after attempting to load an ontology the project returned an error that can be seen in the following image. RegardingthiserrorIfoundthe OWL API resolu...
asked by 13.10.2017 / 02:10