Maven OWL API How to resolve dependency error


My question is about Maven. I'm working on a project that involves the OWL API library and after attempting to load an ontology the project returned an error that can be seen in the following image.

RegardingthiserrorIfoundthe OWL API resolution link that recommended installation of Maven. So far I have not found how to install the OWL API by maven to solve this dependency problem and I would like to ask if anyone knows the answer or if at least have some links or videos I can find the answer.

Windows 10 - Vitor Hugo Maciel dos Santos - University student trying to solve a problem

asked by anonymous 13.10.2017 / 02:10

1 answer


Following the link you've commented ( OWL API resolution ) you can add the dependencies of owlapi and owlapi-osgi (this dependency should solve the problem according to the link) in its pom.xml :


If you do not want to use maven at the bottom of the page it shows all dependencies of owlapi and on every page you have the option to download JAR.

13.10.2017 / 02:24