Questions tagged as 'nosql'


In what kind of application can I use MongoDB?

Using MongoDB in every type of application is bad, if there are types that are most recommended and types where it is not recommended to use a NoSQL.     
asked by 05.02.2018 / 14:05

How to do a "JOIN" in two collections in MongoDB?

I know that mongo has no inner join, But I need to filter the data of a collection by reference to its _id in another collection. I need to display only the projects of a given user. Out of the question restructure the base. Collecti...
asked by 26.08.2014 / 20:36

Authentication in Java EE

I'm developing an app whose client will be html5 + javascript (single-page-app) and the backend will be basically jax-rs + cdi + nosql (glassfish & orientdb). In this scenario, I need help defending how to authenticate users. User data is in...
asked by 07.05.2014 / 01:23

What is the correct way to structure addresses in mongodb?

When I learned SQL, the way to address was to create a series of tables (neighborhoods, cities, states, countries). Then he related the tables. So just add the id of the neighborhood to the record in question (client, supplier, collaborator ...)...
asked by 27.02.2016 / 03:05

Update in array MONGODB

{ "_id" : "55dcb404478e7227203d3a65", "Nome" : "Grupo Familia", "Pessoas" : [ { "PessoaId" : "55dcb425478e72207833e970", "Nome" : "Carlos", "Habilidades" : [ { "HabilidadeId" : "55dcb433478...
asked by 27.08.2015 / 21:59

Query by time interval in mongodb using pymongo

I need to perform a query on a mongodb database that results in one result set per time range. I'm using pymongo. My query looks like this: queryConsulta = {"$and": [ {"id_no": id_node}, {"porta": porta...
asked by 14.10.2014 / 04:31

Database modeling Firebase: Relations n: n

I'm studying firebase using NoSQL and I had a question while watching this video: Converting SQL Structures to Firebase Structures - Firebase Database for SQL Developers # 2 In it the author creates a structure like this: Blz...withthis...
asked by 03.11.2017 / 15:13

Mount Query for Last Record NoSQL Google Datastore

I'm working with Google's Datastore and I'm not getting a Query to get back what I need. Situation I have a Entity , with key pair {"item": codItem, "item": id} , still inside this Entity I have the property codCliente. Fo...
asked by 09.06.2017 / 15:39

PostgreSQL NoSQL and integration between relational and non-relational databases

I've been searching for PostgreSQL NoSQL and found the Key-Value Stores concept in some HSTORE publications. I also looked into the integration between PostgreSQL and the Spring framework and found the following code example: package com.j...
asked by 01.11.2015 / 17:04

Import JSON to Database

I have a json file, and would like to import it into a database. Is there any way to automate this process? There is no database preference, but if it had some function for PostgreSQL it would be better.     
asked by 28.09.2017 / 16:19