Questions tagged as 'nfe'


Error added reference NFeReceptionEvent4

I'm having trouble adding a reference to the NFeReceptionEvent4 service, SEFAZ National Environment. Address of the service: link . I'm going into my project > "Service References" > "Add Service References" > "Advanced" > "Ad...
asked by 18.09.2018 / 17:57

ReceptivityEvento 4.0 - NFe Manifestation

Good morning, I'm trying to send a XML to the SEFAZ server at WebService RecepcaoEvento 4.0 link WebService : link Manual Link: link Follow XML of submission: <envEvento xmlns="http://www.portalfis...
asked by 24.08.2018 / 16:03

Save XML

Hello I have a webservice that receives an XmlDocument. This file necessarily comes with the following information: <nfeProc xmlns="" versao="4.00"> <NFe xmlns="
asked by 17.08.2018 / 21:39

WebService Sefaz Error 297 Recipient's Manifestation

I am developing a module of manifestation of the recipient next to the Sefaz. When sending with the Xml already signed I have the following return error: <cStat>297</cStat><xMotivo>Rejeicao: Assinatura difere do calculado<...
asked by 25.07.2018 / 21:03

NFSe - Standard São Paulo and Blumenau, problem with error 1057 and signature?

Let's break it down. First, I have already tested the EnvioRPS and the EnvioLoteRPS and both return the same error: [1057] Rejeição - Assinatura difere do calculado. I'm building XML and it's getting this way: link I'm using the...
asked by 06.07.2018 / 22:53

NFS Integration and São Paulo City Hall returns Bad Request

I'm developing a PHP system to generate NFSe that uses the Web Service of the city of São Paulo, but I'm not able to integrate with the Web Service. Whenever I send an XML message to the Web Service, I get a response with the following informati...
asked by 21.06.2018 / 20:22

Malformed Reference Element XML NF Version 4.0

I am updating our program of sending service notes (Sorocaba). Doing a quick search saw some comments that after updating the .Net Framework, Microsoft made a fix on the Subscriptions vulnerabilities and some special characters could not be used...
asked by 03.07.2018 / 22:38

Consume WebService NFe GO C # Error 495 Unknown Code

I'm getting the following error when trying to consume the GO NFe WebService Error 90 - NfeStatusServico. The remote server returned an unexpected response: (495) Unknown Code As I'm creating a dll I do not have the configuration file pr...
asked by 22.05.2018 / 18:41

Error Signing XML NF 4.0

When you try to sign the XML for NF-e 4.0 authorization. at the time of signedXml.ComputeSignature(); it always returns me error. I did a test with Visual Studio 2013 it usually signs, but when I run the project it gives the error:   ...
asked by 14.05.2018 / 15:00

Error consuming NFe service

Good afternoon, I am doing a webservice in to consume the Nfe service of the site of the farm, however when trying to add service reference in the project with the url:    link You're giving me an error:    There was an er...
asked by 16.04.2018 / 22:34