Questions tagged as 'nfe'


nRec empty when receiving return from SEFAZ

Using the NFePHP project API, through the function: $retorno = $nfe->sefazEnviaLote($aXml, $tpAmb, $idLote, $aResposta, $indSinc, $flagZip); I get the array $aResposta . However this array is returning the nRec empty tag....
asked by 12.01.2017 / 15:30

Generate NFe Key

I have closed source software that validates the NFe key in the invoice entry for the stock module. I need to generate some NFe keys for testing. So far, I know that the NFe key validates the provider's IBGE code, document number, and Note...
asked by 19.09.2017 / 15:06

ERROR - Paste XElement C #

Hello. I'm trying to get a Node from an xml NFe and this may be showing up the image error. Atthebeginningoftheclass,aprivateXDocumentxDoc;variablewascreated.Thexmlfileisinsidethedebugfolder.EvenputtingsothesameErrorappears:XElement_xDetModelo=...
asked by 19.09.2016 / 22:15

How to display data from an XML file in an input field with jquery?

I am having to develop a function that reads the information that in the fields of a file of type .xml in PHP and trying to return that information in the fields of a form. More so far I can only return the data in the form of an object and from...
asked by 22.04.2015 / 16:18

Authorization Return NFE 3.10 (MG) C #

I'm having a hard time returning the NF-e authorization using C # (Visual Studio 2008). You are returning an empty object. To make the WS call I'm using the following code: public string NFeAutorizacao(string XmlEnvio, string VersaoSchema,...
asked by 13.02.2015 / 14:12

How to use the NFePHP API without the need for the server to support cURL 7.22.2 [closed]

Is there any possibility of using the NFePHP API without the need for server to support cURL 7.22.2 ? Any configuration I can perform, an alternative lib, etc?     
asked by 16.01.2017 / 12:23

C # - Use of A3 Certificate (Card Reader) + Windows Service

Good morning, everyone. I created a windows service (C #) where I subscribe to NFC-es XML using the FlexDocs DLL. Using the A1 certificate everything works normally, but when using A3, the frame where I must enter the PIN does not open / app...
asked by 04.07.2016 / 16:30

Consult NFe without certificate [closed]

Is there any way to query the NFe database without certificate via programming? Today you would only need to check which products are in NFe to automate an internal process.     
asked by 02.05.2016 / 22:13

NFe XML decapsulation

Well, I'm trying to read for importing% of Electronic Bills and I'm having a hard time decapsulating the XMLs of blessed. No problem getting to the object ICMS : object objeto = ListaItens[i].imposto.Items[0] This returns an...
asked by 18.03.2015 / 21:24

Write more records than Requario in my DB

Follow the code: // Leitura Dados Itens da Nota Fiscal... xmlNCab := NoPrinc.ChildNodes.FindNode('det'); while not (xmlNCab = Nil) do begin inc(l); sgProds.RowCount := l; //xmlNCab.ChildNodes.FindNode('det'); xmlNItm := xmlNCab...
asked by 14.06.2014 / 13:57