Well it's the following I have the following code:
Supposedly, I want to get the login data, where login is equal to $ login variable, and then display the login password, however the following errors appear:
Warning: mysqli_query () expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in
C: \ Program Files \ VertrigoServ \ www \ adm \ logar.php on line 9
Warning: mysql_fetch_array () expects parameter 1 to be resource, null
given in C: \ Program Files \ VertrigoServ \ www \ adm \ logar.php on line 10
What's wrong?
Thank you.
______ azszpr115525 ___
The %code% function in procedural mode waits for a parameter variable to create a connection with the bank and the one with the query itself, you are just passing the query.
Try this:
However, the query would be very vulnerable in this way, you could parameterize this query, like this:
This narrows the vulnerability a bit, but does not mean that the code is safe with just that.
______ azszpr115524 ___
It is necessary to pass the connection parameters when using the mysqli_query functions, and as the comrade said, try not to mix the two libraries.
More about mysqli: link