I'm having a small question on how to save a form in mysql that is. I have a form that is divided into 2 and I want it to be saved in the same table.
When I save I only save the second part of mysql it deletes the first one to me.
Example Form1: Name, function Insert in DB:
$sqlinsert = "Insert into tb_trabalhador (Nome, funcao) Values ('".$Nome."','".$Funcao."')";
mysql_query($sqlinsert) or die(mysql_error());
if ($sqlinsert)
Form 2: Birthdate, date of birth Insert in DB:
$sqlinsert = "Insert into tb_trabalhador (Cartao, Data) Values ('".$Cartao."','".$Data."')";
mysql_query($sqlinsert) or die(mysql_error());
if ($sqlinsert)