Questions tagged as 'mysql'


Create links with tags registered in the database

I have a field in MySQL with the following content: Alesso; Anitta; Billboard; Marshmello; Poo Bear I need to get each of the values separately and create a link like this: <a href="#">Alesso</a> I can not read each...
asked by 16.08.2017 / 22:57

Export information from MYSQL to JSON

Sorry for ignorance, I do not understand anything about JSON. I have a website with database in MYSQL that the client needs to export to JSON to integrate with an app. Can you give me a light on where to start? Ex: table with informatio...
asked by 19.07.2017 / 20:54

Send blank field to the database

I created a database and I am sending the information normally. However, I have an optional field in the form. If the user wants to enter more details, he usually writes, if not, I wanted to send the following message to the Sem Mensagem...
asked by 15.07.2017 / 20:43

MYSQL: How to make a month closure from day 26 to day 26

I have a service registration form completed, and at the end of the month I have to analyze the closing costs of the amount of services, and pay the service providers. But the closing of the month is every 26th day, so how could I present onl...
asked by 25.11.2017 / 17:36

Error inserting Data in Mysql

I have this query to insert a data into the database: INSERT INTO 'bancoTeste'.'TabelaTeste' ('t_id','t_label', 't_parametro', 't_valor', 't_descricao', 't_valores_padrao', 't_tipo') VALUES ('NULL','Cargas', 'monitorar_carga','N', 'apresentar...
asked by 29.11.2017 / 14:04

E-mail coming out with strange characters in PHP [closed]

I use a PHP + MySQL system, but every email that searches the data of the email in the database as a subject, etc ..., in the words where it has accents everything goes wrong, an example: no it's like this N $$ O $, I've already changed the defa...
asked by 13.10.2016 / 13:35

PHP- get the last 4 ids inserted in the database

I have a database where one of the tables has the designation "Products" and I would like to extract from it the last 4 items inserted in it. The column with the primary key is autoincriment. When doing the Sql query, when using "Limit 4" is...
asked by 20.09.2016 / 23:20

How to zero the phpmyadmin auto-increment?

How do I reset the PHPMyadmin auto increment? Have you tried? ALTER TABLE 'table_name' AUTO_INCREMENT=1 But it did not work     
asked by 05.10.2015 / 19:55

REPLACE in the IN clause - MySQL

I have the following query below, the idea is to get the value of the variable @subcategories and put in the IN of the query: set @subcategorias = replace('10, 11, 29, 30, 31', '''', ''); SELECT car.NomeCaracteristica, MAX(catcar.Valor) AS V...
asked by 04.02.2017 / 00:32

How to create installer for offline web system PHP + MySql [closed]

I'm developing an order-of-service system in PHP and MySql to be run offline. I just wanted to distribute this system, but I do not know how to package it. How do I create, type an installer of my system to install on other machines? Is there...
asked by 30.01.2017 / 20:30