Remove the quotation marks from 'NULL'
, otherwise it will be a string incompatible with the value type of the column t_id
of the table.
With 'NULL'
(in quotation marks), you will insert the record into the table, according to the message:
1 row (s) affected
But it will generate the alert:
1 warning (s)
In the form below, the alert will not be generated:
INSERT INTO 'bancoTeste'.'TabelaTeste' ('t_id','t_label', 't_parametro', 't_valor', 't_descricao', 't_valores_padrao', 't_tipo')
VALUES (NULL,'Cargas', 'monitorar_carga','N', 'apresentar as cargas dos veículos do grupo de monitoramento','sim_ou_nao', 'combo');
But if the column t_id
is primary-key auto_increment
, just omit it:
INSERT INTO 'bancoTeste'.'TabelaTeste' ('t_label', 't_parametro', 't_valor', 't_descricao', 't_valores_padrao', 't_tipo')
VALUES ('Cargas', 'monitorar_carga','N', 'apresentar as cargas dos veículos do grupo de monitoramento','sim_ou_nao', 'combo');