Questions tagged as 'mysql'


How to perform Mysql Dump command line without the Views

Does anyone know how to dump a database in MySql via the command line without the views, only the database tables?     
asked by 28.09.2017 / 14:54

li in alphabetical order

How to do this li list from the smallest date to the largest? <div class="cal1"></div> <? $inicio = date('Y').'-01-01'; $fim = date('Y').'-12-31'; $iniciomes = date('Y-m').'-01'; $fimmes = date('Y-m...
asked by 21.09.2017 / 21:42

Run MySQL command when booting the system

Other commands I was able to execute when booting the OS normally in these two ways: 1 - Creating a .sh file in the /etc/init.d/ folder and putting the command in. 2 - Placing at the end of file /etc/rc.local before...
asked by 22.09.2017 / 19:50

How to Make Two or More Select Categorized in the Same Query

I need to get all the words with 'A' and play in 'WordsComA' and all with 'B' and play WordsComB, and can have C, D AND ... The closest until now was this, but funcioana only with the first. SELECT w1.wd as PalavrasComA, w2.wd as Palav...
asked by 22.09.2017 / 21:50

What is the mysql_store_result () function for?

Hello, I would like to know the real function of the mysql_store_result () method inside the C ++ language when we are working with mysql database.     
asked by 16.09.2017 / 01:02

Comparison of Mysql data from two different banks - PHP

My web application should access two different banks on different servers, put the column of the two banks on the screen and compare the result between them. However, it only returns the value of one of the banks and the other it returns all...
asked by 15.09.2017 / 17:06

Generate Reports with large data flow (PHP and Mysql)

I need to generate database reports with a large data stream (between 10,000 and 150,000 data) , placing this data in a csv or < in> xlsx (Excel), I wanted to know if it has an optimized form for this. My thoughts and have a button on the sc...
asked by 04.10.2017 / 22:16

BETWEEN with inner join does not work

I'm having a problem while doing a query using between with inner join, the query simply is not working, it returns the results as if the in between was not in the query. What am I doing wrong? SELECT * FROM usuarios INNER JOIN matriculas ON (...
asked by 04.10.2017 / 22:50

Select record that contains result equivalent to a variable

I have a column in my mysql table, where it is called "positions", where several values in int are placed there, however, with the "|" of division. Example: 8 | 19 | 10 | 20 | And each number represents a category. I would like to do...
asked by 05.10.2017 / 18:15

Android Upload JSON

I need to get information from a JSON, I created a code in php that transforms the database into mySQL into JSON link
asked by 12.09.2017 / 15:54