Questions tagged as 'mysql'


Connection error Delphi 6 - Mysql 4.1 - libmysql.dll - Windows 8 [closed]

Hello. Many should already have similar posts on this doubt, but I've done all the suggested actions, and it does not. I need to connect Delphi6 to Mysql 4.1 (I can not use other versions) it has to be these due to the server running the syst...
asked by 11.02.2015 / 18:39

Cursor stored procedure Mysql

I'm inside a cursor that has 10 rows of result. 2 rows perpendicular to a number. example: 1,2 = 1, 3,4 = 2, 5,6 = 6, 7,8 = 9 , 9,10 = 3. How do I add the values that match the same number inside the cursor? This is my FETCH...
asked by 23.09.2015 / 19:24

Error creating and downloading XLS with CakePHP [closed]

I have the following code: $this->autoRender = false; $this->autoLayout = false; $turmaId = base64_decode($turmaId); $turma = $this->Turma->find('first',array( 'conditions'=>array( ''=...
asked by 26.01.2015 / 14:40

How to use tags in MySQL and PHP

I'm creating a website and would like to know how I can use tags with MySQL and PHP. I have two tables: produtos and informacao . In the informacao table I have a field called related products where I will put products...
asked by 29.01.2015 / 16:14

Do not add field if column equal Mysql

Opa, I am adding the total of a double column, what I need is that, the query does not add up this column if the Cod column is equal. Explaining better, the column can be repeated, if it repeats the value of the discount column will also repe...
asked by 29.10.2015 / 13:22

Checkbox multiple and save in bank

I have a form where I can mark several checkbox at the same time and wanted to know how to identify the ones that are marked and save them in the database. In the database I will have a table and a column for every checkbox beca...
asked by 09.10.2015 / 00:10

Problem with time comparison with mysql

I have a problem: I have a table of delivery times with times for each period. Ex .: From 14:00 às 22:30 the delivery time is 40min . I can get this with SELECT using BETWEEN . When arriving in a delivery period as...
asked by 17.02.2014 / 16:53

Make json format insert in mysql and recover in Java [closed]

I have the following String in the format json : { "ADT":"0", "CHD":"0", "INF":"0" } I need to insert in a table in mysql database and retrieve this in Java . I'm using VARCHAR (50) and looks like this: { "ADT":"0", "CHD":"0",...
asked by 09.09.2014 / 17:45

Doubt in insert, update and delete with Framework CodeIgniter?

I have a question regarding the insertion, change and removal of the records in the MySql database. For example, imagine a table of notes where all the information in this note, such as supplier data, carrier data and taxes to be collected, is e...
asked by 23.03.2015 / 18:57

Problem with insertion of multiple notifications

Good evening. I have a notification system where users receive notifications from users of whom they are following. For example, " John commented on x posts " and is working when, for example, there is only one follower. The problem is when t...
asked by 16.03.2015 / 02:34