Problem with time comparison with mysql


I have a problem: I have a table of delivery times with times for each period. Ex .: From 14:00 às 22:30 the delivery time is 40min . I can get this with SELECT using BETWEEN .

When arriving in a delivery period as Das 22:00 às 02:00 delivery time is 55min SELECT simple with BETWEEN is not solving the problem.

hora_inicio: 22:00
hora_fim: 02:00
tempo: 00:55

Let's suppose it's now 11:00 PM so it gets 23:00 ENTRE 22:00 E 02:00 , only that does not hit because 02:00 is already the next day, right?

The SQL statement used in the 'easy part' was:

SELECT tempo FROM tempo_entrega WHERE id_restaurante = 12 AND CURTIME() BETWEEN hora_inicio AND hora_fim

Following the line of reasoning of @JoaoRaposo look:

hora_inicio: 22:00:00
hora_fim: 02:00:00
tempo: 00:40:00

hora_inicio: 02:30:00
hora_fim: 16:30:00
tempo: 00:25:00

I applied the following statement (I believe I have adapted correctly in Mysql, I do not have knowledge of IF ELSE within SQL:

SELECT tempo FROM tempo_entrega WHERE id_restaurante = 12 AND CURTIME() BETWEEN hora_inicio AND hora_fim OR  id_restaurante = 12 AND CURTIME() BETWEEN hora_inicio AND '23:59:59' OR id_restaurante = 12 AND CURTIME() BETWEEN '00:00:00' AND hora_fim

And I had a return: tempo: 00:25:00

So far, everything perfect ... masss ... how much I changed the "CURTIME ()" by "23:30:00" the return was:

tempo: 00:40:00
tempo: 00:25:00

I imagine that because I have used the OR, it has taken both ways ... but using the AND instead of the OR does not return either one or the other. :

asked by anonymous 17.02.2014 / 16:53

2 answers


Your table structure is making it harder to work, more correct and you work with whole dates and for calculations it is best to convert in seconds. see an example:

$agora = date("d-m-Y H:i:s");//EX: 17/02/2014 19:00:24
$agora_em_segundos = strtotime($agora);//EX: 1392660273
// OU
$agora = time();//EX: 1392660273
//Entre dias
$anterior = strtotime('2014-02-16 23:30:00');//EX: 1392589800
$atual = strtotime('2014-02-17 00:25:00');//EX: 1392593100

$calculo = $atual - $anterior;//EX: 3300
$duracao = segundosParaMinutos($calculo); // 55 min

function segundosParaMinutos($seg){
    return (int)$seg / 60;

From this example you may want to change your tables and then save in the fields start_time_and_day_time in seconds.

17.02.2014 / 19:37

It seems to me that the problem lies in modeling your table. Theoretically, it should look something like this:

hora_dia_inicio hora_dia_fim tempo_entrega
              0             2           55
              2            22           40
             22            24           55

And then the query would be:

SELECT tempo_entrega
FROM tempo_entrega
WHERE hora BETWEEN hora_dia_inicio < ? AND hora_dia_fim >= ?;
17.02.2014 / 17:08